18 of the Greatest Unsolved Mysteries Ever - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 of the Greatest Unsolved Mysteries Ever

Everyone loves a good mystery, and today, we’re looking at 18 of the craziest unsolved ones. These are mysteries without any answers but plenty of speculation about them. Let’s take a look at them and ask ourselves, “What on Earth happened here?”

The Disappearance of Flight MH370

Editorial credit: Laurent ERRERA / Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 2.0

The mystery of flight MH370 sounds like a movie because it literally involves a plane taking off and vanishing. It disappeared in 2014 with 239 people on board, and we’ve only ever found a few pieces of it since then. Where did it go? What happened to everyone on board? There are endless theories, including alien abductions and secret military bases, but nobody knows what happened for sure.

The Identity of Jack the Ripper

Editorial credit: R. Taylor/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Jack the Ripper was an infamous English serial killer who people have been talking about since the 1880s. We have no idea who he was, why he committed such grisly murders, or even how he just disappeared. Plenty of people have speculated about his identity, and the suspect list is like a who’s who of Victorian England, including butchers and royals.

The Lost Colony of Roanoke

Editorial credit: Uncredited – John L. Denison /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

How do you lose an entire colony? Ask the people at Roanoke because that’s exactly what happened in the late 1500s in North Carolina. One day, everything seemed to be fine, and the next, everyone was gone, with the only trace being the word “CROATOAN” carved on a tree. While some historians think they just moved, some people think something weirder happened.

Where’s Cleopatra’s Tomb?

Editorial credit: tanja-v / Shutterstock.

Cleopatra is easily one of the most famous ancient Egyptians in history, especially since she was the country’s last pharaoh. She took plenty of secrets to her grave, including the location of it, as nobody knows where she and her lover, Mark Antony, are buried. There’s been lots of digging over the years, but nobody really knows where her body is.

The Voynich Manuscript

Editorial credit: Unknown author /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

The Voynich Manuscript is a centuries-old book that nobody knows how to read because it’s written in an unknown language. While that would be weird enough on its own, it also has lots of strange illustrations of mysterious plants and other things that most scientists don’t recognize. What does it say? Is it an alien code or just an elaborate prank? The mystery continues.

What Happened to Amelia Earhart?

Editorial credit: Underwood & Underwood /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

In 1937, Amelia Earhart tried to fly across the Pacific Ocean and set a world record, but she suddenly vanished. Even after numerous search missions, we’ve only got theories and broken bits of evidence about what happened to her. Recent findings have been promising, but it’s still one of aviation’s biggest mysteries.

The Zodiac Killer

Editorial credit: San Francisco Police Department /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

The Zodiac Killer is another notorious serial killer who people have no idea about. He murdered a bunch of people and sent letters with coded messages to the police in the ‘60s and ‘70s. While some of his codes have been cracked, some are still unsolved. His identity and the meaning behind these remaining ciphers are still completely unknown.

The Isdal Woman

Editorial credit: Reinhardheydt /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

In 1970, a woman was found dead in Norway’s Isdalen Valley and became known only as the Isdal Woman. She had some belongings with her, but all the tags were cut off, and people had no idea who she was. She apparently had multiple identities, but none of them ever stuck. Was she a spy or a criminal on the run? Nobody really knows.

Oak Island Money Pit

Editorial credit: inknown /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

It turns out that buried treasure isn’t just something from a pirate story. Oak Island is a place just off the coast of Nova Scotia and the apparent home of the legendary Money Pit. There are apparently a ton of treasures just below the surface, guarded by intricate traps and flood tunnels. Although people have spent millions of dollars trying to find it, nobody has discovered these alleged treasures. Is there actually anything down there?

Strange Sounds

Editorial credit: NASA/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

This is one of the creepiest mysteries on this list, as it involves hearing sounds that nobody can identify. Around the world, people have heard weird noises like phantom trumpets or groaning that seem to come out of nowhere. Scientists have no clue where it comes from, although some religious people think it’s a sign of the end times.

The Dyatlov Pass Incident

Editorial credit: Futball80 /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

In 1959, nine hikers in Russia’s Ural Mountains died under bizarre and chilling circumstances. They were found far away from their campsite without proper clothes and all kinds of strange injuries. Nobody knows how or even why they died, although there are rumors it could’ve been a natural disaster or even military experiments. Strangest of all, their tents had been cut open from the inside, like they had been desperate to get out for some reason.

The Phoenix Lights

Editorial credit: George Stock derivative/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

One of the biggest UFO sightings ever happened over Phoenix, Arizona, in 1997. This wasn’t just someone out in the sticks who noticed it, as hundreds of witnesses saw huge V-shaped light formations gliding over the city. The official explanation was “military flares,” but plenty of people just don’t buy that.

Death Valley Sailing Stones

Editorial credit: Lgcharlot / CC BY-SA 4.0/ Wikimedia Commons

Rocks moving all by themselves sounds like something from a sci-fi novel, but it’s real. In Death Valley, many stones weighing hundreds of pounds have managed to glide across a dried-up lake bed, leaving only trails in their wake. Some people think it might be because of ice or wind, but nobody has actually ever seen these stones move.

The Beast of Gévaudan

Editorial credit: AF/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Back in the 1700s, a creature described as a giant wolf terrorized an area of France, claiming over 100 lives. Even though plenty of hunters and local heroes claimed to have killed it, the attacks continued. Was it a real beast or a series of wild animals? Or maybe something even more sinister?

The Patomskiy Crater

Editorial credit: Dmitry Semenov/ CC BY 4.0/ Wikimedia Commonslightstock.com

If you ever visit Siberia, be sure to check out the Patomskiy Crater. It’s a bizarre geological formation that looks like a giant egg nest and was discovered in 1949. It’s not a volcano nor an impact site, although some people think it could’ve been a meteorite crash. There’s no clear evidence as to what made this crater, and it continues to confuse everyone who knows about it.

The Pollock Twins

Editorial credit: Dmitry Kalinovsky / Shutterstock.

In a bizarre twist of fate, after their daughters died in a car accident, the Pollock family in England claimed that their new twin daughters had past memories of their deceased siblings. For people who believe in reincarnation, this is the ultimate evidence that it exists. Skeptics, though, don’t believe the twins’ memories are genuine.

The Piri Reis Map

Editorial credit: Piri Reis/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

The Piri Reis map was a 16th-century map by the Ottoman cartographer of the same name. It shows parts of the world in astonishing detail. Most mysteriously, it shows Antarctica centuries before it was officially discovered. How did a mapmaker from centuries ago get his hands on places that nobody even knew existed?

Green Children

Editorial credit: Rod Bacon / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 2.5

Another strange tale from England involves the Green Children of Woolpit. They appeared one day in medieval England with green skin and spoke an unknown language. They also only ate beans. Eventually, their skin color faded, and they adapted to the local foods, but nobody ever found out where they came from and why their skin was green.

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