18 Things That Older Men Find Unbearably Annoying - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Things That Older Men Find Unbearably Annoying

Getting older means getting wiser and having much more free time, and let’s not forget those senior discounts. But sadly, not everything ends up being so great because there are a ton of things that can really get under your skin, especially if you’re a man. Let’s look at 18 things men find more annoying when they age.

Noisy Restaurants

Editorial credit: pathdoc / Shutterstock.

Lots of older guys hate the feeling of trying to enjoy a meal but being unable to hear themselves think. Restaurants these days love giving off an “industrial chic” vibe, which might be cool for Instagram, but it’s not so good for catching up with friends. Sometimes, you just want to enjoy your steak without having to yell over the speakers.

Complicated Technology

Editorial credit:TippaPatt/ Shutterstock.

Many older guys remember a time when they could use a phone right out of the box. But these days, you’ll need a couple of hours and a grandkid who’s a tech expert to set up a new one. It’s all “sync this” or “update that,” along with those menus that are packed with way too many options. It’s enough to make anyone mad.

Changing Trends

Editorial credit: Ink Drop / Shutterstock.

Similarly, just when you’ve figured out how not to embarrass yourself on Facebook, along comes another app that you’ve got to get your head sound. Trying to keep up with these social media trends is almost like a full-time job. Many older guys don’t see the point in learning a TikTok dance when they can’t even get it to play on their phones correctly.

Paper to Digital

Editorial credit: sebra / Shutterstock.

Everything’s online now, including your bank statements and the morning paper, and trying to remember a dozen passwords is enough to make older men miss the older days. They prefer being able to physically cross off items on a to-do list. Honestly, you can’t blame them for this one, as apps on your phone just can’t compare to paper.

Losing Strength

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

As you get older, you’ll start to lose your strength to open jars or lift heavy stuff, and for men, this can really mess with their sense of independence. Lots of men get frustrated when they have to ask for help with things they used to do on their own. Recognizing that their bodies have become weaker is a tough pill to swallow.

Unwanted Advice

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Everyone seems to have an opinion on what you should do with your life, and they’re not shy about sharing it either. It’s your call what to do, and it doesn’t matter if you decide to work until you drop, or if you’re counting down the days to retirement. Older guys should be able to make their own decisions.

Aging Stereotypes 

Editorial credit: Caftor / Shutterstock.

It’s annoying when younger people assume getting older means you have no idea about how tech works. Younger people see an old guy’s gray hair and think they must be out of touch. That’s simply not true. Many older men are learning new skills and starting businesses, so it gets annoying when people assume they’re out of touch.

Visiting the Doctor

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

When you get older, your schedule starts to revolve around the doctor’s office, as every ache needs checking out, and there’s always a new test to do. Even though it’s important, that doesn’t make it any less of a drag. Lots of older guys are tired of feeling like they’re living their lives in waiting rooms.

Modern Music

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Music today seems like something that older men just can’t understand. What’s the melody in all that beat-dropping and auto-tuning? They’d prefer to put on an old vinyl than listen to the nonsense on the radio because at least then the lyrics are clear, and you can actually hear every instrument.

Dress Codes

Editorial Credit: Studio Romantic / Shutterstock.

It seems like anything goes these days, as it’s not uncommon to see people wearing jeans at the opera or flip-flops when they’re fine dining. Many older men miss the days when people used to put in some effort and dress. After all, there’s something to be said for showing a bit of respect by wearing the right outfit.

Public Politeness

Editorial credit: BIGANDT.COM / Shutterstock.

Lots of older guys remember a time when people said “please” and “thank you” in practically every conversation and respected each other’s personal space. But now? Politeness is a rarity, and older guys are frustrated that they’re not allowed to hold doors open anymore. Even being in public is far more stressful than it needs to be.

Inflated Prices 

Editorial credit: d.ee_angelo/ Shutterstock.

Practically everything nowadays costs a small fortune, whether that’s a cup of coffee or a haircut. You used to be able to treat the whole family to a dinner and a movie for the cost of a few movie tickets today. For many older men, this makes them feel frustrated as they have to change their budgets to fit this new reality.

Misunderstanding Modern Art

Editorial credit: UfaBizPhoto / Shutterstock.

Modern art usually looks like a jumble of shapes and colors that don’t look like they mean anything. Older men grew up in a time when art was clear, and this sudden change can get a little annoying. They can’t see the value or message in “cutting-edge” art that looks anything but that.

Movies and TV Shows

Editorial credit: Ground Picture/ Shutterstock.

Movies and TV shows feel so different these days, as each season is usually eight episodes long, and each movie is too dark to see. Older men feel overwhelmed by this new style, and they prefer the more measured pace of classic films and TV shows. Back then, you had time to get to know the characters and savor the story. 

Pressure to Stay Young

Editorial credit: BAZA Production / Shutterstock.

The pressure to stay young is everywhere you turn, with fitness fads that promise to keep you looking young or vitamins that’ll make you age backward. This constant message that aging is something to fight against gets tiring after a while. Lots of older guys just wish society would relax and let them age gracefully.

New Appliances

Editorial credit: RossHelen / Shutterstock.

In the past, TVs used to just have a few buttons, and our watches just told the time. But now, even fridges have apps on them, and many older men miss the simplicity of earlier devices. They’re confused about why everything needs to be “smart” these days when the old ways worked just fine.

Nobody Cares About Experience

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

People don’t seem to care about how much experience you have anymore because everyone’s so obsessed with new things. Older guys feel frustrated because they have a lifetime of knowledge and skills, but younger people’s voices are often a lot louder. Older men’s views get overlooked just because of their age.

Too Much Political Correctness

Editorial credit: Lopolo / Shutterstock.

Many older men find it annoying when they have to watch their words carefully, thanks to political correctness. Those harmless conversation starters they used to use are now wrong, and just having a chat with someone is more stressful than it needs to be. They wish they wouldn’t have to worry about constantly saying the wrong thing.

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