18 Unplanned Expenses That Can Catch Retirees Off Guard - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Unplanned Expenses That Can Catch Retirees Off Guard

When you think of retirement, you probably picture yourself with endless free time, lounging on a beach somewhere or perfecting your golf swing. But tucked away in those dreams are a few surprises, some of which aren’t exactly great for your wallet. Here are 18 hidden retirement costs that might catch you off guard.

The Real Deal on Medicare

Editorial credit: Vitalii Vodolazskyi / Shutterstock.

We all know that Medicare isn’t free, but those extra costs can still surprise you. Depending on your income, you might end up paying more for your Part B and D premiums than you expected. And if your income goes up, so do your premiums, which can sometimes add a few hundred bucks to what you’re already paying each month.

Medicinal Costs

Editorial credit: Michail Petrov/Shutterstock.

Even with Medicare Part D, the price tags on some prescriptions can be too much for some people. If your meds aren’t fully covered or are part of a pricier tier, you’ll have to dig further into your pockets. It’s even worse when you have newer or brand-name medications because they’ll only give you slight benefits, if any, over generic alternatives, but at twice the cost.

Long-Term Care

Editorial credit: Barock / Shutterstock.

If you ever need daily help, long-term care insurance can really help you, but it does get pricey as you get older. Premiums can increase quite a bit each year, and if you’re not prepared, they can take out quite a bit of your retirement fund. Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to get around this expense.

More Accessibility

Editorial credit: Myibean / Shutterstock.

Getting around isn’t as easy as it used to be, and your home might need a few tweaks to make it a bit more comfortable. For example, you may need to install some grab bars in the bathroom or even ramps in the entrances. Although they’re essential, they’re also expensive, which is sometimes too much for some retirees.

Local Taxes

Editorial credit: Funtap/Shutterstock.

You might think that you’ve budgeted everything right, but there are always property taxes and utility fees to surprise you. Some places are a lot pricier than others, and these costs can creep up on you year after year. Soon enough, you might find that it’s pretty difficult to keep your finances as steady as you were hoping for.

Dental Drama

Editorial credit: Anna Jurkovska / Shutterstock.

If you need dental work during retirement, then get ready because Medicare won’t cover it. You could end up paying thousands for crowns or dentures, especially since these procedures become more common as you get older. You’ll need to visit the dentist far more often and may even need specialist treatments.

Insurance Premiums

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Your insurance premiums for your house or car usually increase as you get older. As frustrating as it is, insurers usually see older adults as higher risks, meaning higher costs for you. You should regularly review and compare your policies to save yourself some cash, although it’s a hassle most of us could do without.

The Price of Technology

Editorial credit: Robert Kneschke/Shutterstock.

Staying safe and connected means keeping up with the latest technology, like smartphones and home security systems. They’re not always cheap, but they’ve practically become must-have items as you get older. Having to constantly chase after the newest technology means you might be spending more to stay current or replace your outdated devices.

Travel Troubles

Editorial credit: Ruslan Huzau / Shutterstock.

Traveling in retirement is certainly fun, but the costs add up fast. You have to fork out money for travel insurance and accommodation, which can make the whole thing seem like it’s not worth it. Seasonal pricing can also affect your travel costs by quite a bit, meaning those summer trips to England or winter escapes to the Caribbean may be more than you bargained for.

Family Matters

Editorial credit: Tursk Aleksandra / Shutterstock.

It’s hard to say no when your family needs help paying for your grandkids’ college or an emergency bill. While supporting family is important, it’s another expense that most of us don’t see coming. And as your family grows, so might their requests for help, which could become a regular part of your spending.

A New Ride

Editorial credit: And-One / Shutterstock.

If your old car starts giving you trouble, you might just have to bite the bullet and buy a new one. It doesn’t matter if you’re getting a new or used one because they aren’t cheap, and it’s an expense that can get quite high. All that new car technology and those safety features also mean you might be paying for upgrades you never thought about before.

Higher Bills at Home

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When you retire, you’re likely to spend more time at home, which could cause your utility bills to rise, especially for heating or cooling your home. The rates for basic utilities can go up, and this makes your home an even more expensive place to hang out. Even if you invest in energy-efficient appliances, that’s still money you’ll have to put upfront.

Getting Things in Order

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Planning your estate is nobody’s idea of fun, but it’s absolutely essential when you retire. Unfortunately, it comes with a ton of costs, like lawyers’ fees for drafting your will and setting up trusts, neither of which are cheap. You’ll also have to pay to keep your documents updated, which is yet another expense.

Expensive Hobbies

Editorial credit: boonchoke / Shutterstock.

It doesn’t matter what kind of hobby you do because they’re all good at keeping us busy and happy, although they can be more expensive than you might expect. After all, you have to pay for the equipment and maybe even a membership fee, which adds up. The better you get at your hobby, the more tempting it is to buy more high-end supplies or additional lessons.

Giving Back Adds Up

Editorial credit: ADragan / Shutterstock.

Lots of us dream of giving more to charity once we retire, but you have to be careful. You could find yourself donating a lot more than your budget can handle, so make sure you plan these contributions carefully. Regular donations, especially to multiple charities, can work out to be quite a substantial annual expense.

Breaking Down

Editorial credit: BAZA Production / Shutterstock.

Nobody likes to think about emergency home repairs, but they do happen. Even the simplest of repairs can get quite expensive, and usually, they come at the worst times. You may want to set a little aside for those unexpected fixes or even do regular maintenance to prevent some surprises, but that’s still no guarantee.

Learning New Tricks

Editorial credit: Rob Marmion/ Shutterstock.

When you retire, you might decide that you want to learn some new skills, such as through a cooking class or photography lessons. Unfortunately, more often than not, you’ll have to pay to do these classes. This can stretch your budget a lot further than you might have planned, which is never fun.

Inflation Issues

Editorial credit: d.ee_angelo/ Shutterstock.

Last but not least is inflation, as the cost of just about everything goes up over time, and your retirement income might not keep up. This usually catches a lot of retirees off guard and means their overall spending power just isn’t as powerful anymore. No matter how much money you have saved, inflation is definitely going to make it seem a lot less.

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