18 New Social Trends That Baby Boomers Find Insufferable - Boomer insight

Micheal Brussel

18 New Social Trends That Baby Boomers Find Insufferable

The world is constantly changing and evolving, with new trends being created daily. Whether it’s specific ways people act or how technology advances, it can be challenging to keep up. That’s especially true for Baby Boomers, who might find adapting to the current times a little trickier than others, which is why many modern trends annoy them more than anything.

Social Media

Editorial credit: Twin Design / Shutterstock.

Social media is a modern trend that tends to divide everybody regardless of age. Some people love it and can see its positives, while others loathe it. Baby Boomers tend to fall into the latter category, with many not trusting social media and the amount of information people share. The idea of updating every aspect of life for people to see and follow can be baffling for them, as it’s something they never grew up with.

Online Banking

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

People have to work hard to earn money, and Baby Boomers are well aware of that. So, the idea of trusting someone with it simply by clicking buttons online can be difficult for many of them to comprehend. Having access to a bank account via a mobile device can scare many people of this age, as they would much rather have cash hidden away or hand it into the bank directly to another human.

Remote Work

Editorial credit: Audio und werbung / Shutterstock.

Remote work is becoming increasingly popular, with COVID-19 having a big impact on that. Baby Boomers often question the ability to work from home, largely because they wonder whether people are being productive or not.

Everyone Gets a Prize

Editorial credit: Twenty-9 / Shutterstock.

For a long time, medals and trophies were only handed out to the winners of events, and that’s how Baby Boomers were brought up. Therefore, the idea of participation awards is something that they struggle to comprehend. But that is how society has gone now, with everyone often getting a medal for taking part unless it is a professional sport, and that’s not something that Baby Boomers agree with.

Casual Work Attire

Editorial credit: Zoomstudio /Shutterstock.

Baby Boomers grew up when presentation was vital, and dress codes were all the range. They were expected to turn up to work in formal attire, and even during their time off, they’d still dress smartly. That’s no longer the case now for the vast majority of jobs. While there are still some places where a suit and posh dress are standard, many people work in casual clothing or pajamas from the comfort of their beds.

Being Environmentally Friendly

Editorial credit: Deemerwha studio / Shutterstock.

The world is consistently learning about how to ensure the planet can survive in the long term and the best environmental living practices. But that’s not how Baby Boomers grew up. The idea of recycling or having a solar panel roof isn’t something they had to think about for the bulk of their lives, so having to adapt to that at this stage is a situation that frustrates many.

Rise in Divorce

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Unfortunately, divorce is a trend that’s rising nowadays, with a lot of couples opting to call it quits, which is something Baby Boomers rarely do. While there are plenty of cases where divorce is the right course of action, but many older people question whether or not many younger couples are willing to fight through more challenging times or simply give it up.

Celebrity Culture

Editorial credit: felixmontana88 / Shutterstock.

Celebrities are held up to a higher standard now than ever before. Whether they’re actors, musicians, athletes, or just influencers, people often hold them to a very high level, which isn’t something that Baby Boomers agree with. The obsession with celebrity culture isn’t a popular trend in the eyes of Baby Boomers, mainly because they don’t see them in the same light.


Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock.

For a long time, taking a picture meant posing, clicking a disposable camera, and hoping that things would work out well. But as time has progressed, different ways of taking pictures have been created, such as selfies. Posing to take a photograph in that manner is something that tons of people do nowadays, but Baby Boomers often don’t love taking pictures in that manner.


Editorial credit: tomertu / Shutterstock.

Another aspect of taking pictures that has changed is the rise of filters. Whether it’s adding funny faces or the ability to edit any particular issues that people might have with how they look, it is easy to completely change how a photograph looks from how it was initially taken. That’s something that many younger people might love, but it’s one that Baby Boomers don’t always agree with.

Fast Fashion

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

Baby Boomers came from a time when clothes were built to last, and if there were any issues, they would be fixed by busting out a sewing kit rather than simply throwing it away and buying something new. But in the current world of fast fashion, that’s different. People will buy clothes and get rid of them rapidly, which is a trend Baby Boomers disagree with.


Editorial credit: George Rudy / Shutterstock.

There is a general feeling that younger people have developed a sense of entitlement, thinking that they deserve things given to them whether they work hard or not. That can frustrate Baby Boomers, who typically had to work incredibly hard to get significant life opportunities.

Lack of Reading

Editorial credit: Branislav Nenin / Shutterstock.

Because of the rise in social media and the internet, the number of people who read for pleasure has decreased. Diving into a good book is a big pastime for many Baby Boomers, as that was a significant aspect of fun for them in simpler times. Baby Boomers continue to enjoy reading today, and while many younger people do as well, the fact most people would instead of scrolling on TikTok does annoy them.

Cancel Culture

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Cancel culture is a modern phenomenon, with people being completely cut out if they make any controversial comments. This mainly targets celebrities who might share an opinion that’s not agreed upon by everyone, but it has started to spread toward average citizens, too. Sometimes, people’s comments deserve heavy punishment, but the lack of acceptance of other people’s thoughts can be frustrating for Baby Boomers.

Digital Payments

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Regarding payments, there’s no doubt that things are trending towards digital. The modern expectation is that people will pay digitally; whether by card or phone, it’s becoming increasingly rare for people to pay via cash. But that’s how Baby Boomers would prefer to pay, as they have yet to adapt to digital payments entirely.

Texts Over Phone Conversations

Editorial credit: Asier Romero / Shutterstock.

Many Baby Boomers still own a landline telephone because they prefer to communicate via phone call rather than text. But in modern times, it has become a trending expectation that people will send messages instead, which to Baby Boomers feels a little impersonal.

Technology in the Home

Editorial credit: Aleksandra Suzi / Shutterstock.

Nowadays, technology isn’t just something you can buy if you want fun, such as video games. It has become an essential part of daily living, with different apps often controlling things within the home, such as air conditioning, heating, or even the doorbell. The idea of not being fully in control or simply needing to understand how to run certain appliances can be frustrating for older people.

Political Correctness

Editorial credit: Vladimir Borovic/ Shutterstock.

Most people are used to political correctness by now, but that doesn’t mean everyone has to like it. Many Baby Boomers simply aren’t aware of the modern phrases or trending terms. The language of how to address people is ever-changing, and that can be difficult for Baby Boomers to grasp, which often leads to frustration.

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