8 Well-Intentioned but Bad Pieces of Advice to Avoid - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

8 Well-Intentioned but Bad Pieces of Advice to Avoid

We’re always getting advice from our loved ones, some of it good and some of it not so good. Of course, people don’t always know they’re giving bad advice, but that doesn’t mean you should do what they tell you. Here are 18 pieces of advice that are actually a lot worse than you might think.

Just Follow Your Passion

Editorial credit: ASDF_MEDIA / Shutterstock.

“Follow your passion” sounds like great advice, but it doesn’t take practicality into account. If there isn’t a real need for what you love doing, then you won’t be able to make a living from it because love doesn’t pay the bills. Passion is always great, but you need to mix it with a healthy dose of reality.

Never Give Up

Editorial credit: KieferPix / Shutterstock.

Stubbornness isn’t always a good thing, and “never give up” isn’t good advice. Sometimes, throwing the towel in can free you up so you can find something better. Holding on too tightly to a sinking ship is only going to mean you’ll miss out on opportunities that could actually help you. You need to know when to quit.

You Can Sleep When You’re Dead

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

Telling someone, “you can sleep when you’re dead,” is awful. Sacrificing your sleep to work harder is actually a guarantee that you’re going to burnout and have health problems. You have to rest to keep your brain and body ready for your day-to-day life. If you’re feeling sleepy, there’s nothing wrong with that.

Money Can’t Buy Happiness

Editorial credit: ArtFamily / Shutterstock.

Of course, money alone won’t make you happy, but it can make things easier. Saying “money can’t buy happiness” ignores the fact that financial security will make you feel less stressed and could give you more opportunities. You’ve just got to find the balance between your bank account and your personal life.

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

When you waste your time believing “good things come to those who wait,” you’ll miss out on the things that are waiting for you. Although waiting does have its place, the world rewards people who go out and make things happen. If you’re trying to achieve your goals, putting in a little effort can go a long way.

Fake It Till You Make It

Editorial credit: Asier Romero / Shutterstock.

Confidence is always good, and “fake it till you make it” is sometimes good advice. But faking your way into a job and then having to do it will always lead to failure. You’ll find that this advice will backfire and leave you well over your head. It’s okay to stretch your skills a little, but you have to keep it real enough.

Live Like There’s No Tomorrow

Editorial credit: voronaman / Shutterstock.

Most people who hear “live like there’s no tomorrow” take it as an excuse to live in the moment. Although that’s definitely fun, just wait until the future rolls up and you have no savings or a habit you wish you hadn’t started. You should always try to be a little cautious so you can keep your future looking bright.

Stick to What You Know

Editorial credit: Dmitry Demidovich/ Shutterstock.

Comfort zones are exactly that, comfortable. But that doesn’t mean you should just “stick to what you know” because never going out of your comfort zone means you’ll miss out on some amazing new experiences. After all, growth only happens when you’re challenging yourself, so you shouldn’t avoid new things. You could even discover something new about yourself.

Opposites Attract

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

At first, dating someone completely different from you because “opposite attracts” is fun. Sadly, in the long haul, research shows it might not be so great, as these differences will probably cause too many arguments. Successful relationships share common ground that keeps things running smoothly, even when the going gets tough.

It’s All In Your Head

Editorial credit: GaudiLab / Shutterstock.

Telling someone, “it’s all in your head,” is never good. When someone says this, they’re dismissing the other person’s feelings, and it can actually stop them from getting the help they might desperately need. Everyone’s struggles are valid, even if they’re not visible on the surface.

Always Think Positively

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Positivity is good, but believing you should “always think positively” isn’t. Things aren’t always good, and you’ve got to face the hard stuff head-on, not just ignore it by smiling. Dealing with problems honestly is the only way you’ll get real solutions, and it’ll also stop those small issues from becoming bigger or more complicated.

Forgive and Forget

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

Most of us like to think “forgive and forget” is some pretty sound advice. Sadly, forgiveness isn’t always possible, and that’s okay. You might just have to move on by giving yourself permission not to forgive and find peace in your own way without forcing a feeling that isn’t really there. It’s not healthy to hold onto grudges, but neither is pretending everything’s fine when it’s not.

Take Care of Others Before Yourself

Editorial credit: Amorn Suriyan/ Shutterstock.

You can’t pour from an empty cup, so why encourage people to “take care of others before yourself?” If you’re running on empty, you won’t be much help to anyone else, so remember to look after yourself. No matter what other people might tell you, it’s not selfish to take some time for self-care.

Always Speak Your Mind

Editorial credit: Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.

Sometimes, it’s good to believe you should “always speak your mind,” but there’s a time and a place. Telling people every single thought you have without a filter is a surefire way to hurt the people around you, so you might be a little more diplomatic. Be clear when you’re talking to other people, and also think about the impact of your words.

Hard Work Beats Talent

Editorial credit: KieferPix / Shutterstock.

Of course, hard work is important, although the idea that “hard work beats talent” is plain wrong. There are so many factors that can lead to fortunes, including timing or just plain old luck, and each of them plays a role in someone’s success. You should recognize the role of each one and keep a healthy perspective on your own efforts.

You Only Live One

Editorial Credit: Dudarev Mikhail / Shutterstock.

“You only live once (YOLO)” is fun to say and can encourage you to try new things, but it’s not an excuse for reckless decisions. Think about the future, like the consequences of your actions and what you’re setting yourself up for down the road. Living without regrets means making chances that you’ll be proud of later instead of ones that just feel good at the moment.

Time Heals All Wounds

Editorial credit: mikecphoto / Shutterstock.

While time might ease the sting, it doesn’t do the heavy lifting, which is why saying “time heals all wounds” is bad advice. Healing is an active process that involves working through what hurts, and ignoring your pain doesn’t make it go away. Give yourself time, but also give yourself the attention you really need to heal.

Stay Busy to Stay Happy

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Following the mantra of “stay busy to stay happy” can distract you from your problems, although you should remember that it doesn’t solve them. Too much business can lead to burnout, so you should make time for things that matter and time to just be. After all, true happiness comes from a mix of doing and being.

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