18 Reasons Americans Will Never Take Advice from Money Experts Like Dave Ramsey or Suze Orman - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Reasons Americans Will Never Take Advice from Money Experts Like Dave Ramsey or Suze Orman

Even though they give great advice, there are many Americans who just don’t follow what famous financial experts say. It’s pretty weird, especially since these experts are so successful, but these people have their reasons for avoiding their advice. Let’s look at 18 reasons why so many Americans choose to ignore them.

One-Size Fits Nobody

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A lot of people feel that the advice doesn’t always work for them, as they think the experts are being too general. They believe that the experts don’t actually understand their situation and how they’re doing, financially speaking. They’d rather go their own way and find something that actually fits their life instead.

Too Complicated

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Many experts use complicated words like “amortization” and “capital gains” that confuse even the smartest people. Most people want to get clear and simple advice instead of a financial course, so they’d rather stick to the basics that they understand. And sometimes, that involves passing up smarter yet more confusing ways of managing money.

Burned Before

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Some people have tried to follow financial advice before and ended up worse off, perhaps because the market tanked or their investment flopped. Either way, this left a sour taste and a lot of skepticism about taking another gamble on financial advice. For these people, the idea of trusting another expert just doesn’t sit right.

Doing It My Way

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There’s nothing more American than our sense of independence, and that means many of us would rather manage our money on our own. They want to make their own financial choices and learn from their mistakes themselves, not through someone else’s lessons. Wouldn’t you want to have control over your own money?

Out of Touch

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Sometimes, people think that these financial experts just don’t understand the day-to-day money struggles of regular people. Many people think their advice is too high-brow, and they just don’t see how it applies to someone who’s barely making it until the next payday. They believe this advice is impractical and irrelevant.

Behind the Curtain

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Some people are worried about why these experts are giving out advice. Have they got a hidden agenda? Are they getting a kickback? This doubt turns people off from following what might actually be advice, as these people are worried they’re being manipulated for someone else’s profit.

Yesterday’s News

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What worked in the ‘90s or even the early 2000s might not cut it today. People are unsure whether those old-school tips are still relevant all these later, especially when our financial challenges are so different now. Any ways of saving or making money that don’t evolve with the times can quickly become outdated.

Moral Money

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Other people will skip certain investments because they don’t fit with their personal values, such as “sin stocks” or companies with poor labor practices. For these people, their morals decide their financial decisions more than the chance of good returns. They want to feel good about where their money is going, which sometimes means avoiding a profit.

Financial Trends

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Movements like the Financial Independence and Retire Early (FIRE) movement become more popular, and some people prefer this to traditional financial advice. They believe these strategies fit their lifestyle and financial goals more than any expert’s advice could. FIRE is pretty popular with younger generations, and it’s changing how they think about work and life.

Too Much Information

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You can get financial advice from every corner of the globe and every site on the internet, which can be pretty overwhelming. All this information means it’s tempting to second-guess even the most trusted expert. Many people find it hard to filter out the noise and stick to a solid plan, so they’d rather do their best on their own.

Who to Truth

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Likewise, with so many financial “experts” out there, it’s hard to tell who’s legit and who’s just trying to make a quick buck. Some people would rather not take any advice at all and stick to their own gut instead. You have to earn someone’s trust, and it’s become more difficult than ever to trust a single expert who stands out as truly trustworthy.

Bills, Bills, Bills

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When you’re living paycheck to paycheck, saving for a rainy day or investing in stocks feels like a luxury. These people worry about their immediate financial burdens, which means they’ve got to push long-term plans to the sidelines. After all, you can’t focus on the future when you’re struggling to put food on the table now.

Risky Business

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Not everyone’s cut out for how risky investing can be, and some people would prefer the safety of a savings account under their mattress. Even though financial experts promise plenty of highs and lows with a stock market, these people would rather be more careful with protecting what they have. To them, higher gains mean higher losses.

I Want It Now

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Today, we have instant worlds and fast food practically everywhere, so being patient is pretty difficult. When you want financial results yesterday, slow financial growth feels frustrating, which makes some people look for quick fixes instead. They’d rather go for opportunities that promise immediate growth instead of the slow burn that financial experts promise.

Misunderstanding Wealth

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Many people just don’t understand what it means to be wealthy, and this affects how they see financial advice. After all, if you think getting rich is impossible, then you might completely ignore any tips that could actually get you there. Lots of people don’t see the process behind becoming wealthy because they’re too focused on the end results, which seem achievable.

Listening to Family

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In some cases, family and close friends affect how people manage their money. So, when people’s inner circle doesn’t trust financial experts, there’s a high chance that they might feel a similar way. This can reinforce any negative opinions they have about financial experts and stop them from following new financial paths.

Going Old-School

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For some older people, if it ain’t broke, why fix it? They’d rather stick to the things that have worked well for them for years and ignore the latest financial tips or complicated new strategies. Being loyal to the methods they know best gives them a sense of security that the new ones just can’t.

Unhappy About the Economy

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When the economy doesn’t look great, it’s hard for people to be enthusiastic about doing anything risky. Many people would rather keep things steady by avoiding any risks that could mess with their finances. Sometimes, this means they’ll avoid opportunities that could lead to more money later on.

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