21 Signs Pointing Towards God’s Presence in Your Everyday Life - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

21 Signs Pointing Towards God’s Presence in Your Everyday Life

Religion teaches us that God is everywhere, watching over us and speaking to us in many ways. As we all lead busy lives, it can often feel difficult to know when God is present, so we take a look at 21 signs that he is with you every day:

Moments of Awe and Wonder

Editorial Credit: Olena Yakobchuk / Shutterstock.
When we stop and look around us, especially in nature, we can genuinely connect with the world—experiencing the majesty of nature, witnessing a life-altering event, or feeling profound emotions like love, joy, or sorrow.

Our Ability to Be Grateful

Editorial Credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.
Some religious teachings associate gratitude with acknowledging a divine source for blessings in life. Expressing gratitude is seen as recognizing and appreciating the gifts received, ultimately leading to a deeper connection with the divine.

Personal Growth and Overcoming Challenges

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Successfully navigating difficulties and experiencing personal transformation can signify that God is with us, guiding us along complex paths. God being near allows us to find strength in challenging times.

Answered Prayers

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In times of despair and heartache, we can look to God through prayer. Receiving what was prayed for, especially something seemingly unlikely, could be evidence of divine response.

Near-Death Experiences

Editorial Credit: Lysenko Andrii / Shutterstock.
Personal accounts of near-death experiences often describe encounters with light, peace, or loved ones, which can potentially be interpreted as God being on our side. In scary moments, feeling that we have God by our side can be a lifesaver.

Intuition and Gut Feelings

Editorial Credit: dee karen / Shutterstock.
Strong intuitions or “gut feelings” that are accurate could be interpreted as guidance from a higher power. Respecting your intuition and closeness to God empowers you to make informed decisions, regardless of where you believe its guidance comes from

You Are An Ambassador

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Acting with compassion, kindness, and integrity can embody positive aspects associated with the divine in many faiths, regardless of specific deities. Feeling that you are an ambassador to God reassures many people that he is nearby.

Prayer and Meditation

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The experience of inner peace, clarity, or guidance gained through prayer or meditation is evidence of connecting with a higher power. The more you pray, the closer you are to God when practicing religion.

Religious Rituals and Practices

Editorial credit: Nastyaofly / Shutterstock.
Participating in rituals or practices like attending services, fasting, or chanting is a way to connect with the divine. The more people feel that God is with them, the more they will continue to practice these rituals, thus feeling God’s presence even more.

Personal Religious Experiences

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Personal encounters with angels, visions, or other phenomena might be interpreted as direct contact with God or the divine. Some people share such experiences and find common phenomena; others choose to connect with God privately.

Noticing Coincidences

Editorial credit: Nastyaofly / Shutterstock.
Humans naturally seek patterns and meaning in the world around them. When seemingly unlikely events align meaningfully, some see coincidences as evidence of a guiding force or divine intervention.

Attending Church

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Communal worship shared rituals, and prayers can create a sense of connection with something larger than oneself, which some interpret as God’s presence.

Religious Teachings

Editorial credit: BRAIN2HANDS / Shutterstock.
Engaging with religious teachings and practices through church attendance can offer guidance, comfort, and a sense of alignment with divine will, leading some to feel God’s presence.

Personal Interpretations

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Ultimately, whether or not attending church signifies God’s presence is a subjective experience based on individual beliefs and interpretations.

Serving Others

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.
Many religions emphasize the importance of loving and serving others as a reflection of divine values like compassion, empathy, and love. Serving others becomes a way to embody these values and connect with the divine.

Fulfilling a Purpose

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Some people believe serving others is a way to fulfill a purpose given by God, contributing to a greater good and aligning with a divine plan.

Forgiving Others

Editorial Credit: InesBazdar / Shutterstock.
Forgiveness is often central to many religious scriptures and teachings, with figures like Jesus Christ and Buddha embodying forgiveness as a core value. Following their example and practicing forgiveness can be seen as aligning oneself with the divine will.

Inner Peace and Freedom

Editorial credit: kudla/ Shutterstock.
Forgiving others can lead to inner peace and freedom from negative emotions like anger and resentment. This emotional shift can be interpreted as a connection with something larger than oneself, potentially the divine.

Strengthened Relationships

Editorial Credit: franz12 / Shutterstock.
Forgiveness can mend broken relationships and bring people closer together. This positive interpersonal change can be seen as a manifestation of the divine desire for love and connection.

Receiving Messages from God Through Other People

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.
People might receive divine messages through others offering encouragement, comfort, or direction in challenging times. These messages can resonate profoundly and align with individuals’ needs, leading them to interpret them as divinely guided.

Everyday Blessings

Editorial Credit: Love You Stock / Shutterstock.
Some view everyday blessings, like sound health, supportive relationships, or moments of beauty, as expressions of God’s love and care. Recognizing and appreciating these blessings becomes a way of connecting with the divine.

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