18 Things That Have Faded Away That Older Generations Miss Dearly - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Things That Have Faded Away That Older Generations Miss Dearly

As time marches on, there are plenty of things that fall by the wayside. For a lot of older people, seeing so many things disappear can be quite upsetting, and they just wish these things would make a comeback. Let’s take a look at 18 things that don’t exist today that many older people miss.

Soda Fountains in Every Drug Store

Editorial credit: charnsitr / Shutterstock.

Back in the day, you could find a soda fountain in nearly every drug store, serving up ice-cold drinks and thick milkshakes right at the counter. This was the place to hang out and catch up with friends before coffee shops became as popular as they are today. Nowadays, those soda fountains have fizzled out and been replaced by fast food on every corner.

Full-Service Gas Stations

Editorial credit: mikecphoto / Shutterstock.

It was once the norm to have everything done for your car, including an oil check and windshield clean, without even having to step out of your car. Full-service gas stations were popular everywhere, and they had a personal touch that you just don’t find today. These days, everything’s self-service, and we’re missing out on that bit of human interaction. 

Newsreels Before Movies

Editorial credit: Fer Gregory / Shutterstock.

Who would’ve thought you could go to the movie theater to learn about world events? Newsreels were an important part of the cinematic experience, and theaters would play them just before the main feature. It gave us a quick dose of entertainment and information in a way that even TikTok can’t do.

Penny Candy Stores

Editorial credit: rblfmr / Shutterstock.

Penny candy stores were a wonderland for kids because you could walk in with just a dime and walk out with a whole bag of sweet treats. The hardest part was making a decision about what to buy. The modern candy aisles in big stores just don’t feel as amazing as those old-time candy stores, especially since the price of candy just keeps increasing.

Ice Cream Socials

Editorial credit: Atsushi Hirao / Shutterstock.

Hearing the words “ice cream social” used to be the greatest thing ever because it meant that you were in for a treat. Everyone from the neighborhood would get together to chow down on some homemade ice cream and enjoy a sunny afternoon. But today, these socials have melted away because people would rather meet at crowded food festivals.


Editorial credit: tanasa ovidiu / Shutterstock.

Automats were the absolute coolest. You just dropped some coins into this machine, and a little door would pop open with your choice of a hot meal or snack. It was just like a vending machine, only a lot more charming and with warm food, not just cold. Unfortunately, fast-food joints have replaced these.

Dinner Trains

Editorial credit: Kent Weakley / Shutterstock.

Thanks to a dinner train that served gourmet meals, you could dine in style on a moving train. These trains made any night out something special and made you feel like a movie star. While they do still exist, they’re almost entirely non-existent because you can just buy some food elsewhere instead.


Editorial credit: Kyle J Little / Shutterstock.

Many older people remember a time when a nickelodeon wasn’t just a TV channel. These were tiny theaters where you could watch silent films for only a nickel. It was a cheap and cheerful way to catch a movie and way more interesting than any home movie night today. Nickelodeons were where movie magic truly started.

Collect Call Booths

Editorial credit: Tomas Marek / Shutterstock.

There used to be a time when not everybody had a cell phone glued to their hands, and this was where collect call booths came in handy. If you were stuck without change but needed to call home, you could just pop in there and do it. Unfortunately, the popularity of cell phones means these things don’t exist anymore.

Hat Check Services

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Heading out for a fancy night on the town meant you had to check your hat at the door. Of course, there are still cloakrooms where you can do this, but people aren’t expected to use them, nor are there ones specifically for hats like there were in the past. Most people don’t bother because they like the whole casual vibe.

Cereal Box Prizes

Editorial credit: Dariia Belkina / Shutterstock.

Getting a box of cereal was much more exciting in the past because you had to fish around to find a toy inside. Who would’ve thought breakfast could come with a prize? But today, you’re more likely to see QR codes and digital rewards. While they’re certainly safer, they’re nowhere near as fun as finding a mini dinosaur in your Frosted Flakes.


Editorial credit: DianeWierengaPhotographer / Shutterstock.

The caboose was that little lounge at the back of a train and it was where the crew hung out. It was iconic and even had its own special look. But today, many modern trains have ditched the caboose to streamline things, which, while it does make things easier, we’ve lost a little bit of charm as well.

TV Variety Shows

Editorial credit: mike mols / Shutterstock.

Variety shows were some of the best things on TV and a great excuse to get everyone around the TV. They had a little bit of everything, whether that was music, comedy, or even celebrity appearances. Nowadays, we have niche streaming shows that just can’t capture the connection we felt from those variety shows.

TV Test Patterns 

Editorial credit: BackgroundStore / Shutterstock.

Speaking of TV, remember those TV test patterns? They’d pop up after the late-night shows ended and looked like modern art for the screen. They were also a sign that it was time to go to bed, which sounds pretty strange in today’s world of 24/7 programming. All-night binges are way too easy now.

Public Drinking Fountains

Editorial credit: Atmosphere1 / Shutterstock.

It used to be pretty easy to find a spot to quench your thirst for free since all you had to do was walk over to the nearest public drinking fountain. While these do still exist, people are a lot more concerned about germs and keeping these fountains clean. This has meant many of them have started to disappear from our parks and streets in favor of bottled water.

Window Ice Delivery

Editorial credit: Leonard Zhukovsky / Shutterstock.

Before you found refrigerators in every home, people would rely on the ice delivery guy to bring a huge block of ice for their ice boxes. It was a way of keeping your food cool without any fancy technology, just good old-fashioned ice. Thanks to modern refrigeration methods, ice deliveries are just a cool memory now.

Pull-Tab Soda Cans

Editorial credit: iBird / Shutterstock.

Pull-tab soda cans used to be all the rage because we didn’t realize how bad those little metal tabs were for the environment. You’d pull the tab right off to open your drink, and then what? Most people would just throw them anywhere, and they were a far cry from the stay tabs we have today. 

Smudge Pots in Orchards

Editorial credit: Danita Delimont / Shutterstock.

If you went to an orchard, you’d find a smudge pot, which was something that would burn oil to make smoke and prevent frost from hurting the plants. On a cold night, they made things look so mysterious and almost like a movie. But with modern methods like wind machines and water irrigation, these pots are just an agricultural relic.

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