18 Reasons Florida Is No Longer Appealing to Baby Boomers - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Reasons Florida Is No Longer Appealing to Baby Boomers

For years, Florida has been a hotspot for retirees, thanks to its sunny skies and sandy beaches. But recently, things have changed, and lots of boomers have decided to pack up and head out. Let’s look at 18 reasons why they’ve decided to leave the state for good.

Constantly Sneezing

Editorial credit: Adam Radosavljevic / Shutterstock.

Florida has a deadly mix of pollen and mold from all that humidity, which doesn’t mix well with allergies or asthma. Many retirees have respiratory issues, and they’d rather move somewhere with healthier and drier climates. After all, why stay somewhere that you’re struggling to breathe when other places are far nicer?

Sea Level Situation

Editorial credit: mikecphoto / Shutterstock.

Rising sea levels are a real threat to anyone living right by the beach, especially when you consider the seas are 8 inches higher than 70 years ago. The idea of their beautiful beachfront home falling into the sea is forcing retirees to move to higher grounds, literally. Plus, the financial uncertainty of having a property by the sea just isn’t worth it for retirees anymore.

Hurricanes Aren’t Fun

Editorial Credit: Bilanol/ Shutterstock.

Living through one hurricane can be enough drama to last a lifetime, but in the Sunshine State, it’s become too much of an everyday part of life. The stress of boarding up homes and evacuating has taken its toll, especially since climate change is making these natural disasters more frequent. More boomers are saying goodbye to all of this by moving out of the state.

Environmental Issues

Editorial credit: julie deshaies / Shutterstock.

Speaking of the environment, Florida has many issues, including red tide and water pollutants. Many boomers are passionate about nature and staying healthy, meaning that these problems are forcing them to rethink where they’re going to spend their golden years. Retirees would like to move to places that don’t have so many ecological problems.

Peace and Quiet

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

As lovely as Florida is, it’s not the sleepy spot it used to be. The hustle and bustle of all that development can be a bit much, which is why some boomers are looking for a place where life moves a bit slower. They want to enjoy their retirement in peace without having to deal with jam-packed streets.

Grandkids Need Good Schools

Editorial Credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Good schools are a big deal for retirees with grandkids. They want the best for their little ones, and if that means moving to a place with a better education system, so be it. In Florida, that’s something they’re just not receiving, as, according to the Florida Education Association, “schools have been underfunded [and] students have been over-tested” for over twenty years.

Concerned About Crime

Editorial credit: dizain / Shutterstock.

Nobody wants to live in a place that doesn’t feel safe, but, unfortunately, in some areas of Florida, the crime rates keep increasing. It’s becoming a real problem for older people because they’re more vulnerable than other generations, which is why they’re looking to move. They want to live somewhere they can walk through the park without worrying.

Too Many Tourists

Editorial credit: Maridav / Shutterstock.

Tourist season in Florida can turn even the quietest neighborhood into Times Square overnight, and the non-stop noise isn’t for everyone. Lots of boomers would like to live in a place where the pace of life is consistent all year round, or at least there aren’t so many tourists. Fighting against the hordes of visitors just isn’t something they enjoy.

Too Much Traffic

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Another side effect of having so many tourists is that traffic jams and crowded streets have become way too normal. Driving through Orlando or Miami feels like a mess, and it’s completely changed how people feel about their day-to-day lives. Many boomers are looking for quieter places where they can actually drive instead of being stuck for hours on end.

Looking for Work

Image Credit: BAZA Production/Shutterstock.

Not all boomers are ready to fully retire, and some of them want a second act in their careers. Florida might be good for relaxing, but other states have better job opportunities for boomers to take advantage of. They want to use their skills and experience in different ways, which Florida simply doesn’t allow them to do.

Poor Infrastructure

Editorial credit: SasaStock / Shutterstock.

Florida’s infrastructure is struggling to keep up with its rate of growth, which is why power outages and aging roads are becoming more common. Dealing with these problems on a daily basis is never fun, and the promise of better services elsewhere is pretty tempting. Floridians want to move to places where they don’t need to worry about the infrastructure.

Rising Cost of Living

Editorial credit: Minerva Studio / Shutterstock.

Remember the days when our dollars used to go a lot further? In Florida, those days have almost entirely disappeared because prices for many things have shot up. Many boomers have retired and are living on a fixed income, meaning they simply can’t afford the high cost of everyday essentials.

Insane Insurance Costs

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

If the hurricanes don’t get you, then the insurance bills might. Florida is a high-risk place for natural disasters, which means homeowners’ insurance rates are going through the roof, which can spell disaster for people on a fixed income. They’d like to move somewhere they don’t have to shell out quite so much just to protect their home.

Burning Up

Editorial Credit: Lamyai / Shutterstock.

There’s no denying that Florida’s sun is pretty relentless. When you get older, the intense heat and humidity can become serious health issues, which is why many boomers are moving to places with milder climates. After all, wouldn’t you like to enjoy the great outdoors without turning into a prune?

Healthcare Is Hit or Miss

Editorial credit: REDPIXEL.PL / Shutterstock.

In some areas of Florida, especially rural areas, good medical care isn’t a guarantee. Waiting times can be longer than necessary, and specialists aren’t always there to help. Since looking after your health becomes even more important as you age, having access to good facilities is becoming a necessity for many boomers.

A Little Lonely

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Even in a place as crowded as Florida, you can feel pretty lonely. People are constantly coming and going, which makes it hard to form lasting friendships with those around you. Some boomers are heading to places with better community connections because senior loneliness can be a serious killer.

Poor Public Transport

Editorial credit: AstroStar / Shutterstock.

Getting around Florida isn’t exactly easy if you’re not up to driving anymore. The lack of good public transportation in many parts of Florida means you’re stuck unless you’re willing and capable of driving. This is pushing some boomers to look for new cities where car-free transport is a breeze.

Accessibility Issues

Editorial Credit: Artazum / Shutterstock.

As boomers get older, they usually start needing more accessible living spaces, which is a problem in Florida. Most of the state’s housing is older and doesn’t have necessary features like no-step entries or wider doorways. Many boomers feel frustrated by the costs and hassle of retrofitting their homes, so they’d like to move to states with more modern and accessible options.

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