25 Parenting Practices Today’s Parents Swear By, But Older Generations Don’t Get - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Parenting Practices Today’s Parents Swear By, But Older Generations Don’t Get

If you’ve survived the tantrums and made it through the teenage years, then congratulations because you’ve raised your kids successfully. But don’t get too excited because parenting has taken a wild turn from what you might remember. Here are 25 new parenting trends that anyone aged over 50 is probably pretty confused about.

No Pink or Blue

Editorial credit: veryulissa / Shutterstock.

Pink used to be just for girls, and blue was only for boys. But nowadays, some parents have thrown that rulebook out the window, and they’re raising their kids gender-neutral. No more strict boy-girl labels or gendered colors, which means they grow up in a beige bedroom. Unfortunately, there are some risks that many modern parents don’t think about.

Glued to Your Hip

Editorial credit: VGstockstudio / Shutterstock.

For attachment parents, the rule is to keep their little ones close, and that includes never peeing alone again. They’re big into co-sleeping and baby-wearing because they think it’s the only way to raise their kids. They’re happy to have that tiny shadow following them everywhere, consequences be damned.

Hovering on High Alert

Editorial credit: Travel_Master / Shutterstock.

Back in the day, parents would kick their kids out the door and tell them to come back when the streetlights came on. But now? Some parents are more like helicopters and they’re constantly hovering over their children. They’re ready to swoop in at the first sign of trouble because they don’t understand the importance of letting their kids be independent.

Being Zen

Editorial credit: CandyRetriever / Shutterstock.

Some parents think it’s more important to be calm and collected instead of yelling and punishing their kids. While that sounds good in theory, putting it into practice is a very different story. It’s not easy to stay zen or think about mindfulness when your kids are running around like little terrors.

Screen Time Showdown

Editorial credit: CandyRetriever / Shutterstock.

There was once a time when the most advanced piece of technology in our homes was a corded phone. Unfortunately, today, most kids have access to screens 24/7, which is causing more harm than many parents realize. They’re using screens as babysitters, and most people in the older generation know just how bad that is.

School’s Out, Forever

Editorial credit: Fabio Principe / Shutterstock.

Most older people remember the three R’s of reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic. But ask someone from the younger generation, and they might not have any idea because some parents are ditching traditional schools for homeschooling or unschooling. They think it’s helping their kids, but research shows that this can actually be really harmful for children.

Pretty Impatient

Editorial credit: szefei / Shutterstock.

In a world where everything’s instant, some parents don’t understand the importance of teaching their kids gratification. They think it’s okay for their kids to get what they want on demand. Anyone older knows that learning to wait can build resilience and prepare kids to be successful later in their lives.

Good Vibes Only

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

While smacking kids is never acceptable, the new approach of positive reinforcement and gentle guidance can’t be a good thing. These parents focus on praising good behavior and redirecting negative actions. Why? Because they think it builds trust and strengthens the bond between a parent and their child.

Going Green From Day One

Editorial credit: Olena Yakobchuk / Shutterstock.

We all know how important it is to eat healthy, but some parents take it overboard. They’re trying to stuff their kids with organic and farm-to-table food, which often means spending a little extra at the grocery store. What’s wrong with good old-fashioned TV dinners? Of course, it’s better for the kids, but they’re children, not robots. They should be able to have a little food fun occasionally.

Nothing More Than Feelings

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

You were probably taught to suck it up and soldier on, but now? Parents care more about feelings and therapy sessions to understand their children. They’re trying to teach them to recognize and express their feelings in healthy ways. It’s not a bad thing, but it can be a little confusing for any generation not used to it.

Delaying Parenthood

Editorial credit: Eugenio Marongiu / Shutterstock.

Most parents popped out kids left and right by the time they hit 25, although it’s a very different story today. Couples are waiting longer to have kids because they’re focused on building their careers or traveling instead. They’d rather take their time to build a strong foundation for their family without thinking about how their body clocks are ticking.

Pet as Practice

Editorial credit: GNDAB Creativity / Shutterstock.

It’s also become normal for couples to get a pet before getting parents, and they’ll treat this experience like a test run for raising kids. They’ll talk about “fur babies” like they’re human children, which confuses lots of older people. After all, does a dog really need its own wardrobe?

It’s a Small World

Editorial credit: Ground Picture /Shutterstock.

Thanks to the internet, kids today grow up in a mix of different cultures and languages like never before. Many parents believe in exposing their kids to diverse perspectives and experiences through travel and friendships. This can be a little odd for anyone who’s used to a much less connected world.

The More, The Merrier

Editorial credit: tativophotos / Shutterstock.

Once upon a time, the nuclear family of mom, dad, and 2.5 kids used to be the norm. In today’s world, co-parenting and blended families are the thing because parents believe in putting their kids’ needs first. While it’s great that people have more freedom, many older miss the days when things weren’t so complicated.

Letting the Kids Take the Wheel

Editorial credit: Nestor Rizhniak / Shutterstock.

Our parents used to plan our extracurricular activities, and we didn’t have much of a say in things. But now, kids are calling the shots and choosing their own hobbies. These parents think their kids should explore their interests, even if that means allowing their kids to do something for a week and then give up.

Saving the Diapers

Editorial credit: Tipy_Pleydell / Shutterstock.

We’ve all heard the climate change alarm bells ringing, but nobody’s heard it louder than parents today. Forget about disposable diapers and plastic toys because they care more about reducing their carbon footprint. They’re recycling and upcycling whatever they can, even if it’s not great for their kids.

Pronouns Problems

Editorial credit: Air Images / Shutterstock.

Most people grew up with “he” and “she,” but recently, parents have started using “they,” “them,” and a bunch of other pronouns. They think we should respect and validate our children’s gender identity, even if it goes against societal norms. It can get pretty confusing to even people of younger generations.

Less Stuff

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

In the past, more was more, unlike today’s world of minimalism and mindful consumption. Today, parents prioritize experience over possession, and that means doing things together instead of buying stuff. They believe they’re making room for what matters, but we think they’re stopping their kids from having fun.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Editorial Credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

The days of sitting in rows are long gone because parents care more about personalized learning plans for each child’s needs. To these parents, we should meet our children where they are academically through hands-on activities or one-on-one tutoring. They don’t understand that, sometimes, kids just need to learn to get on with it.

Me Time, Please

Editorial credit: StockLite / Shutterstock.

We remember the days when you’d put everyone else first, but not anymore because self-care is the name of the game. These parents put themselves first because they think taking care of themselves isn’t selfish. While it can be good sometimes, this idea can come across as a little self-centered to some older people.

There’s An App For That

Editorial Credit: NDAB Creativity / Shutterstock.

Those old and dusty parenting books are no more because we’ve got apps that track everything about your kids, including their feelings and tantrums. Modern parents use technology to help raise their kids, like finding the perfect bedtime routine. But honestly, what happened to simple trial and error or learning while doing?

Treating Kids Like People

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

There’s no such thing as “because I said so” anymore, as many parents believe in respectful parenting. They treat their kids like equals by listening to their opinions and involving them in making decisions. It sounds great, but what happens when they have to tell their kids off? Treating kids like friends can be pretty harmful.

Parental Influencers

Editorial Credit: My Life Graphic / Shutterstock.

Some parents have turned their family life into a business model by becoming social media influencers. It can get pretty confusing for anyone who remembers the days when we had privacy and family time was just for our own consumption. And let’s not even mention the risks of this style of parenting on children.

Teaching Boundaries

Editorial credit: pixelheadphoto digitalskillet / Shutterstock.

Consent is a hot-button topic at the moment, and modern parents are starting conversations about boundaries from a young age. They’re teaching their children to respect other people’s personal space and bodily autonomy. But some older people think it’s strange that we’re having these discussions at such a young age.

Engaging the Senses

Editorial Credit: ANURAK PONGPATIMET / Shutterstock.

Instead of traditional toys, some parents are encouraging their kids to do sensory play to stimulate their development. For example, they’ll let their kids do messy play with water and sand, even if it ends up causing a lot of mess. It’s no surprise some older generations find this purposeful chaos to be pretty odd.

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