25 Reasons Florida’s Retirees Are Being Forced To Flee the Sunshine State - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Reasons Florida’s Retirees Are Being Forced To Flee the Sunshine State

It seems like every other day, someone’s packing up and saying goodbye to Florida after they’ve retired. What’s going on? It turns out that retirees aren’t moving just because of one reason but a bunch of different ones. Let’s take a look at 25 of them.

High Cost of Living

Editorial credit: Minerva Studio / Shutterstock.

Remember when Florida was the best place to maximize your retirement dollars? It’s definitely not like that anymore. Practically everything, whether it’s rent or a loaf of bread, has become a lot pricier, and many retirees’ pensions are stretching as far as they used to. When your grocery bill looks like a phone number, it’s time to jump ship.

Insurance Problems

Editorial credit: Barock / Shutterstock.

If the steep climb in the cost of living wasn’t enough, how about the cost of insuring your home? Since Florida’s been through some pretty tough natural disasters recently, insurance companies are hiking premiums. Anyone who’s living on a fixed income can’t finally deal with this, so they’re packing up for cheaper pastures.

Hurricanes on the Horizon

Editorial credit: Triff / Shutterstock.

Speaking of hurricanes, they’re a big reason why retirees are rethinking Florida. After all, there are only so many times you can deal with boarding up and evacuating, not to mention the cleanup and repair costs afterward. It takes a huge toll on people physically and financially, forcing them to leave.

Too Many People

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Florida’s popularity has also been its downfall because the peace and quiet of before have been replaced by traffic jams and long lines. For anyone who was dreaming of a calm retirement, the business of Florida today is a huge letdown. If that wasn’t bad enough, the sheer number of people has meant living costs are also much higher.

The Heat’s Not For Everyone

Editorial credit: aleks333 / Shutterstock.

We all love a bit of sun, but Florida’s heat and humidity can be a little overpowering, especially when you get older. It’s hard on the body and even harder if you’ve got health issues, which is why some retirees are moving to cooler climates. There, they can enjoy their retirement without worrying about burning up.

Change in Taxes

Editorial credit: FAMILY STOCK / Shutterstock.

At the moment, Florida’s perfect for some retirees because it has no state income tax. But there are rumors of tax changes coming, which is making some people nervous enough to find a new place to call home. They don’t have to wait in Florida for the tax hammer to drop, especially since they’re on a fixed income.

Rising Property

Editorial credit: Olga Maksimava/Shutterstock.

More specifically, property taxes have been creeping up in some parts of Florida, putting a huge dent in retirees’ budgets. Even a small hike is enough to make some people look for places where their dollars stretch further and property taxes are more predictable. Who doesn’t want more bang for their buck?

Healthcare Hassles

Editorial credit: Michail Petrov/Shutterstock.

There’s no denying that Florida has a lot of great hospitals and clinics, but guess what? So does everyone else. With more people coming into the state, it’s getting harder to get the care you need without a long wait. Some retirees are looking for places out-of-state where medical facilities aren’t so overwhelmed, and they can actually get seen.

The Appeal of New Adventures

Editorial credit: JuliusKielaitis / Shutterstock.

Of course, retirees aren’t always trying to escape the bad, and sometimes, they’re just chasing something new. They might be looking for some different scenery, new activities, or maybe even a place with all four seasons. The appeal of new adventures can be pretty tempting for people who want more than just sun and sand.

Family Ties

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

As we get older, being close to our family becomes more important, especially if they’re not in the same state. If the kids and grandkids have left Florida, many retirees will follow suit because they want hugs that are a short drive away, not a plane ride. Research also shows that there are many emotional benefits to being near our loved ones.

Nightmare Traffic

Editorial credit: Ceri Breeze / Shutterstock.

Thanks to all the tourists and newcomers, the roads in Florida have become a nightmare. Some retirees are trading in their car keys for a quieter place, where a trip to the store doesn’t mean a three-hour traffic jam. After all, retirement is meant to be a time for being relaxed and enjoying itself, which you can’t exactly do when you’re trapped in a car.

Pollution Problems

Editorial credit: khunkornStudio / Shutterstock.

But traffic doesn’t just bring noise because it can cause some pretty big pollution problems, too. For anyone who’s looking for a breath of fresh air, literally, moving makes sense, especially if they’re spending a lot of time outdoors. When your environment’s bad, so are your health and well-being.

Craving Cultural Scenes

Editorial credit: Trong Nguyen / Shutterstock.

There’s no denying that there’s plenty of fun in the sun in Florida, but what about a night at the opera or visiting cool art galleries? For some culture vultures, there’s not enough going on in Florida for them to do, so they’ve decided to move their retirement elsewhere for more chances to enjoy the arts.  

Cashing In on Real Estate

Editorial credit: godshutter / Shutterstock.

Since real estate prices are soaring, selling a home in Florida could mean a pretty big paycheck. Why not cash it in and use that money to live even better in a more affordable place? For some retirees, it’s an obvious choice, and being able to fund a more comfortable, even luxurious, lifestyle elsewhere is a must.

Changing Neighborhoods

Editorial credit: Alexander Lukatskiy/ Shutterstock.

Sometimes, the neighborhood just doesn’t feel like home anymore, and it could be because it’s too commercial or too crowded. It might just not match your needs or your lifestyle anymore. Either way, finding a new non-Floridian community that feels right can be a fresh start for retirees. 

Far Away Amenities

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

In some areas of Florida, you might find yourself miles away from the nearest pharmacy or grocery store. When you’re younger, that might not bother you so much, but since most retirees are looking for convenience, they’ll move to places where they can get this. After all, it’s pretty frustrating having to drive hours just to get the things you need.

Feeling Lonely

Editorial credit: SasaStock / Shutterstock.

Sadly, this isolation can also cause mental health problems. Many retirees want to find a community where they can connect and feel part of something that they might not get in Florida. Science shows just how important social connections are for our mental and emotional health, so it’s no surprise that retirees are moving to find this.

Safety First

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

As beautiful as Florida is, not every part is safe, and worries about crime can be pretty serious for some retirees. This can force them to look for safer surroundings, especially since feeling secure in your environment is always important. Retirees want to enjoy their time away from work without feeling uneasy.

Political Changes

Editorial credit: Lightspring / Shutterstock.

Honestly, a state’s politics can really make or break how comfortable we feel in our own neighborhood. When their local politics don’t match up with how they feel, some retirees would rather live in a state that lines up with their values. Wouldn’t you want to be around people who see the world how you do?

Learning Never Stops

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Who says learning’s only for the young? Many states have places with classes and courses that are just for seniors, so it’s no surprise retirees are moving there. Keeping your brain going and meeting new friends, all while you’re learning, sounds like a win-win. There’s always something new to learn and do.

Unpredictable Weather Patterns

Editorial Credit: Lamyai / Shutterstock.

We all know that Florida’s famous for its sunshine but lately, the weather’s been all over the place. Unexpected cold snaps and scorching heat waves are becoming more common, which means you never know what to expect next. Many retirees just want to enjoy their days in comfort without having to worry about what they’ll need from one week to the next.

Booming Tech

Editorial credit: thinkhubstudio / Shutterstock.

Florida is quickly becoming a big place for tech companies, especially in cities like Miami. While it’s good for the economy, for some retirees, the number of younger people coming into the state is ruining the laid-back vibe they signed up for. They’re heading out to places where life moves as slowly as they were hoping for.

Less Recreation

Editorial credit: Inside Creative House / Shutterstock.

Lots of places in Florida are developing and changing, which means many recreational places, like local parks and golf courses, are making way for condos and commercial places. Many retirees don’t want that because it’s making relaxing even harder. They’re moving to places with more green spaces and facilities that aren’t being gobbled up by development.

Limited Public Transporation

Editorial credit: santypan / Shutterstock.

Getting around can be a real drag in some parts of Florida because the public transit just isn’t up to it. If you’re a retiree who doesn’t want to drive everywhere, the lack of reliable buses or trains can be a dealbreaker. They’re looking for places where staying active and connected is a whole lot easier.

A Better Quality of Life

Editorial credit: Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.

When it comes down to it, life has to feel good, and that could involve looking for cleaner air, more greenery, or just a place where you feel like you fit in. Many people are waving goodbye to Florida and chasing a different place to enjoy their golden years. They’d like to set up the life they’ve always wanted now that they’ve got the time to enjoy it, and sometimes, that’s outside of Florida.

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