25 Items You Should Never Buy at Thrift Stores - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Items You Should Never Buy at Thrift Stores

Thrift shopping is definitely a lot of fun, mostly because you never know what you’re going to find. But that can actually be a bad thing. There are some things you should think twice about getting from a thrift store, and we’ve got 25 of them here for you.

Better Safe Than Sorry

Editorial credit: Jack Frog / Shutterstock.

If you’ve found a cool helmet, it might be tempting to get one, but you should give it a pass. Helmets are one-and-done when it comes to crashes, as you don’t know what the dame is like on the inside. Plus, helmet technology is getting better all the time, and you might want to save up for one that’s a little more advanced.

If The Shoe Fits

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Shoes usually mold to the first person’s feet, and buying used ones is quite literally like trying to walk in someone else’s shoes. Do you really want to have weird food problems? Treat yourself to a fresh pair to give your feet better support and avoid dealing with someone else’s wear and tear.

Keeping Things Clean

Editorial credit: Lerik_Vallerik / Shutterstock.

Everyone loves some good lipstick or mascara, but you should stay away if it’s used. Old makeup may have germs, and it’s not worth taking the risk for some beauty. Stick to the sealed stuff because your skin is precious. Keeping it healthy is much more important than scoring a deal on some used blush.

Baby Car Seats

Editorial credit: Maria Sbytova / Shutterstock.

Car seats are top of the list when it comes to baby safety. But a lot of people don’t realize they have expiration dates, and safety standards change a lot, so what might’ve worked last year may not be as safe this year. For peace of mind, buy a new one because an outdated car seat can be more dangerous in an accident than no seat at all.

Baby Safety

Editorial credit: united photo studio / Shutterstock.

Speaking of baby safety, old cribs are also a no-go. The rules are always changing to keep our little ones safe, and you should stick to something new. Also, new cribs usually have adjustable settings that grow with your child, so they’re a much smarter investment for the long term than an old crib.

Old Toys

Editorial credit: Olivier Le Queinec / Shutterstock.

Similarly, any old kids’ toys might be more dangerous than you think, mostly because small parts are a huge choking hazard. You should probably keep playtime safe by only buying new and sturdy toys, as they’ll be up to current safety standards. They could have special features that will help with your child’s growth.

Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite

Editorial credit: Alexandra Morosanu / Shutterstock.

Do you really want to sleep where someone, or something, else has? Didn’t think so. Mattresses can hide all kinds of critters and allergens, so you might want to spend your nights on a new one. With a new set, you’ll also get a warranty or guarantee that you’re unlikely to get with a used one.

Dream Clean

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Similarly, your bed sheets should always be new because old bedding might have dust mites. With new bedding, you’ll also have a much greater selection to choose from, which will fit your style and comfort level for the best night’s sleep. We sleep for around a third of our lives, so we all deserve to treat ourselves.

Technical Troubles

Editorial credit: 2p2play / Shutterstock.

Yes, old electronics are cheap from the thrift store, but they usually come with a ton of problems that are more of a headache than they’re worth. A lot of them are outdated and lack the features and reliable software updates that keep our tech running smoothly today. And without a warranty, you’re out of luck if the old stuff breaks.

Sitting It Out

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

That comfy chair you spotted in the thrift store might not be so great once you’ve found those hidden stains or smells, or worse, bugs. Like most things, when it comes to furniture, fresh is best, and you should invest in something a little better. If you still want something cheaper, try going for professionally clean and certified secondhand furniture instead.


Editorial credit: Best smile studio / Shutterstock.

Some things are just meant to be yours, and that includes swimwear. Yes, vintage swimwear might look good, but any personal hygiene or health problems you get from them aren’t so great. Skip the secondhand swimsuit rack and go for something new that’ll actually make you feel good wearing it.

Furry Friends

Editorial credit: Masarik / Shutterstock.

We deserve the best, and so do our furry friends. Used pet toys and beds can carry germs that’ll make your pets sick, so you should stick to new ones. This way, you know exactly what your pet is getting, and you might also get some toys that are better at keeping your furry friend interested in them.

Suck It Up

Editorial credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

A used vacuum cleaner might miss a spot or ten, and they’re really not worth the hassle. If you want clean floors, check out some of the new models that’ll have better technology in them for any floor type or level of mess. They’ll also have improved filtration systems, keeping your air cleaner and stopping any allergy symptoms.

Something Smells Off

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Yes, that perfume bottle looks fancy, but looks aren’t everything. If it’s been opened, then its best days are probably behind it, and you’re better off sticking to something fresh. Buying new means you’ll get the full experience without having to get yet another bottle in a couple of months.


Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

If you’re looking for scratched and worn-out pots and pans, then get one from the thrift store. But if you’re like the rest of us, you should probably get a new set. Used cookware may put flakes of non-stick surfaces into your food, and they can also carry plenty of germs you really don’t want to have.

Cracking Under Pressure

Editorial credit: Iris Sokolovskaya / Shutterstock.

Chipped plates or teacups quickly lose their charm and their value. If you’re into collecting, make sure you carefully inspect each piece or just go for undamaged sets. Buying new china can make special occasions even better, mostly because you don’t have to worry about any hidden issues.

Play It Safe

Editorial credit: Roman Motizov / Shutterstock.

Any used sports equipment you find in a thrift store may have taken one too many hits, which can make them more dangerous than you might think. You should probably stick to new gear because it’ll keep you protected and make sure your performance is top-notch. New material also means better comfort and efficiency.


Editorial credit: luca pbl / Shutterstock.

This one should go without saying, but plenty of people still make this mistake. Undergarments should always stay personal, no matter how cheap they might be in the thrift store. New ones will keep you feeling comfortable and hygienic without worrying about who the last person to wear them was.

Sterile Safety

Editorial credit: MDV Edwards / Shutterstock.

Any medical item that touches your body has to be sterile, and used items will never be good enough. Most people know about this for things like needles, but you also need to be safe with things like bandages and surgical gloves. They’re designed for a one-time use on a single person. Let’s keep it that way.

All That Glitters

Editorial credit: Daniel Jedzura / Shutterstock.

Unless you’re an actual jeweler, fake bling can be hard to spot, and you don’t want to overpay for something that’s useless. To make sure you’re getting the real deal, buy from trusted stores so that you’re getting pieces that actually have value. If you’re dead set on buying some from the thrift store, make sure to take them to an appraiser as soon as you can.

Hygiene Hazard

Editorial credit: CHUYKO SERGEY / Shutterstock.

Buying used water filters from a thrift shop is a huge mistake. Even if they look clean, these filters could have old residue or contaminants that you might not be able to see. You’re much better off using new ones to keep your drinking water safe and clean. Plus, you’ll also know exactly when to replace them.

Health First

Editorial credit: Damian Lugowski / Shutterstock.

Speaking of being healthy, you should think twice before getting any personal care devices like hair clippers or electric toothbrushes. Yes, you can give them a good clean, but it’s pretty hard to make sure they’re hygienically safe. Buying new items is a small price to pay for your personal health. 

Hidden Wear and Tear

Editorial credit: s8 / Shutterstock.

Saw a great set of vintage luggage items at a thrift store? They might look like a steal, but using them is a completely different story. They could have all kinds of damage, like broken zippers or faulty wheels, that’ll make your vacation a hassle. Instead, try getting some new luggage or clearance from an actual luggage store.

Not So Sharp

Editorial credit: Iryna Mylinska / Shutterstock.

Used cutlery items at the thrift store can sometimes be dull or damaged and are more hassle than they’re worth. You might even find some mismatched pieces that’ll make your dinner party seem much less fancy. Get yourself a new set that you can trust and will actually stay sharp for longer.


Editorial credit: safakcakir / Shutterstock.

Finally, rugs might add a little style to your home, but like most used things, they can come with trapped dirt and dust that can cause all kinds of allergies. Plus, rugs are infamously hard to get thoroughly clean, so you’re better off buying a new rug. New ones usually come with special materials that resist stains and avoid fading.

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