18 Gun Myths That Are Misleading America - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Gun Myths That Are Misleading America

Guns are as American as apple pie, right? But whenever we start talking about firearms, there’s a whole lot of misinformation mixed in with the truth. Today, we’re going to set the record straight on what’s real and what’s just tall tales about guns in the U.S. No matter your stance on guns, it’s important to know the truth behind these 18 myths. 

“More Guns Means More Crime”

Editorial credit: J.J. Gouin/ Shutterstock.

It’s easy to think that more guns mean more crime, but it’s not that simple because there’s not always a direct link between the two. Some places with lots of guns have low crime rates. It’s a complicated issue that involves more than simply counting the number of guns around.

“The Second Amendment Allows Unlimited Gun Ownership”

Editorial credit: zimmytws/ Shutterstock.

The Second Amendment gives people the right to keep and bear arms, but it’s got its limits. Certain people aren’t allowed to own guns, and some types of firearms are actually also banned. It’s not a free-for-all, and while you can own a gun, it doesn’t mean you can own any gun or that you can carry it anywhere, anytime.

“Gun Shows Lack Background Checks”

Editorial credit: rdlamkin / Shutterstock.

Some people think that gun shows skip background checks, although it’s not entirely true. Licensed dealers at these shows still have to run checks just like they do in their stores. While some private sellers might not ask for a background check, the reality is that many gun shows are closely monitored and have many legal requirements in place.

“Guns Don’t Stop Crime”

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

While guns might not completely stop crime, they can help to reduce it slightly. There’s evidence suggesting that criminals avoid people they think are packing heat. It’s not necessarily the potential shootouts that can reduce crime but the potential safety a gun can provide just by being there.

“Gun-Free Zones Prevent Gun Violence”

Editorial credit: Longfin Media / Shutterstock.

Declaring a placegun-freeseems like a good idea to prevent shootings, right, but unfortunately, a lot of tragic shootings happen in these apparent safe zones. If someone is determined to cause harm, a simple sign like this won’t stop them. Instead, we need more effective security measures.

“Only the Police Should Have Guns”

Editorial credit: LightField Studios / Shutterstock.

The idea that only the police should have guns is quite controversial. Although the police are there to protect us, the Constitution and many state laws also allow regular people to own guns. Self-defense is an important reason why many people choose to arm themselves, and most of them do it within the law.

“The Majority of Americans Want More Gun Control”

Editorial credit: Marie Kanger Born / Shutterstock.

While lots of people support things like better background checks, America is pretty divided on gun control. It’s not as clear-cut as some might say, as some people value their right to have a gun just as strongly as those who want control. It’d be better for us to find a middle ground where we can achieve rights and safety.

“Gun Ownership Is Declining in the U.S.”

Editorial credit: steved_np3 / Shutterstock.

The idea that fewer Americans have guns these days is completely wrong. Reports and surveys suggest that gun ownership might actually be holding steady or even going up. While in some places, it’s declining, gun ownership is a tradition in most parts of America, and that means it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. 

“Most Gun Owners Own an Arsenal”

Editorial credit: Cristina RasoBoluda / Shutterstock.

Not every gun owner has a massive collection; most people just have a few for hunting or self-defense. They’re not exactly preparing for a blockbuster action movie. Owning a gun usually just means having what you need for your safety and hobbies instead of an entire arsenal, so it’s wrong to assume every gun owner has lots of them.

“Most Gun Crimes Involve Rifles”

Editorial credit: LightField Studios / Shutterstock.

The movies might show everyone with a rifle, but that’s pretty rare during gun crimes, as handguns are the usual suspects. They’re easier to hide and are usually involved in most gun-related crimes. Focusing so much on rifles takes away the truth and stops us from dealing with the real issues of most gun crimes.

“Stricter Gun Laws Would End Gun Violence”

Editorial credit: Zerbor / Shutterstock.

Some people say,stricter gun laws would end gun violence.If only it were that simple. Even places with tough gun laws have their share of violence, showing that solving gun violence involves more than simply making more laws. Communities need to address the deeper issues through law enforcement and social services.

“Background Checks Are Not Effective”

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

While not perfect, background checks do stop many people from buying guns who shouldn’t have them, like felons or people with certain mental health issues. They’re the best way to keep guns out of the wrong hands, so the idea they’re not effective is just wrong. Making them more streamlined could make them even more effective.

“Concealed Carry Increases Gun Violence”

Editorial credit: Phil Pasquini / Shutterstock.

It’s wrong to say thatconcealed carry increases gun violenceas there’s no solid proof of it. As concealed carry permits have increased, crime has actually reduced in some areas. Many responsible gun owners are serious about how they carry their guns, and they usually care a lot about their personal protection.

“Gun Buyback Programs Reduce Gun Violence”

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Gun buybacks do help reduce the number of guns on the streets, but they often collect old, rarely-used guns. These aren’t usually the ones people use in crimes. These programs are certainly a step in the right direction, but they’re not a magic solution, and focusing on prevention and education might lead to better results.

“Guns Always Use Guns in Self-Defense”

Editorial credit: Jan Mika / Shutterstock.

People using guns to defend themselves is actually quite rare, as studies show that most people don’t use guns in self-defense. Just 0.9% of crimes between 2007 and 2011 involved people using guns as defense, and more often than not, they’re used for intimidation. It’s important to remember this fact when discussing gun rights and safety.

“Law Enforcement Universally Supports Gun Control”

Editorial credit: Victor Velter / Shutterstock.

Just like most people, it’s wrong to put all cops in the same boat with the same opinions. Not all of them agree on gun control, as some support tighter laws, while others believe in the benefits of responsible gun ownership. You might actually be surprised at how different some of their views actually are.

“Gun Owners Are Mostly Men”

Image Credit: DepositPhotos.

Some people think that gun ownership is a big thing, and while plenty of men own guns, many women own them, too. Recent statistics show that women are one of the fastest-growing groups of gun owners in the country. They’re buying guns for the same reasons men do, including for protection or just as a part of their lifestyle.

“All Gun Owners Are Conservative”

Editorial credit: damann / Shutterstock.

It’s easy to pigeonhole gun owners as all being conservative, but that’s not really right. Plenty of liberals and independents own guns as well, and sometimes for the same reason as conservatives. Gun ownership isn’t a partisan issue but a broad American tradition that we’re all involved in.

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