25 Things from the Past That Over-50s Will Immediately Identify - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Things from the Past That Over-50s Will Immediately Identify

The world for baby boomers was pretty different from the world we have today, for better or for worse. There are plenty of iconic things and experiences that only people in this generation will remember. Here are 25 of them.

Black and White TV

Editorial credit: KsanderDN / Shutterstock.

Once upon a time, TV shows didn’t have any color as they were just shades of grey. Sounds weird, right? But that was life for boomers because color TV hadn’t been invented yet. They remember having just a handful of channels and the days when TV was actually an event for the whole family, not just something in the background.

Adjusting the TV Antenna

Editorial credit: CREATISTA/ Shutterstock.

Speaking of TVs, getting a clear picture wasn’t just a click away in the past. You had to physically move those rabbit ears around and maybe even add some foil for better reception. Everyone had their own trick for the best picture, and when you found that perfect spot, you didn’t dare move it.

Tube Testers at Stores

Editorial credit: LIAL / Shutterstock.

Back in the day, if your TV or radio started acting up, you didn’t just throw it out. Instead, you opposed out the tubes and took them to the store to test and replace them. Boomers knew that they should fix things instead of replacing them because it would save them some money and teach them a little about how things worked.

Party Lines

Editorial credit: RTimages / Shutterstock.

Shared phone lines were a thing, which sometimes meant you’d pick up the phone to make a call and hear someone else gossiping. If you didn’t wait your turn or you weren’t careful about what you said, your secrets could become widespread news. Party lines were fun, yes, but also not the best.

Cash Registers With Mechanical Keys

Editorial credit: Nikola Fific / Shutterstock.

There was no sound greater than that of a mechanical cash register, mostly because that “ka-ching” when the draw popped open felt so satisfying. It was a time before touch screens and digital displays, so those machines actually had real keys. Just pressing them was half of the charm.

VCRs to Record TV Shows

Editorial credit: LIAL / Shutterstock.

Recording your favorite TV shows meant wrestling with a VCR and those annoying VHS tapes. If you missed the timer by even a minute, you’d lose the ending of your show, and don’t get us started on those tracking issues. You’d have to sit and adjust it just to get a clear image, especially on those rented tapes.

Diner Jukeboxes

Editorial credit: Tsuguliev / Shutterstock.

When you were in a diner, the only way to listen to your favorite tunes was by dropping a coin into a jukebox, and it was part of the whole diner experience. It felt pretty cool flipping through the selection to find a song that everyone would enjoy or maybe one that was special to you and your friends. The touchscreen jukeboxes we have today will never compare.

Wood Paneling Everywhere 

Editorial credit: Markrsimpson / Shutterstock.

Wood paneling was pretty big in the past, and not just in people’s cars. Across the country, you’d see it lining the walls of basements and family rooms, giving everything a darker but cozier look. Pretty much everyone had at least one room that had that classic wood panel decor because they thought it looked sophisticated.

Waiting For the Evening News

Editorial credit: mike mols / Shutterstock.

Before the internet and 24/7 news, you had to wait for the evening broadcast to catch up on the day’s events. Finishing dinner and gathering around the TV to see what was happening in the world became part of our routine. And, of course, we’d spend half the time just talking about what was going on.

Through the Yellow Pages

Editorial credit: Sallehudin Ahmad / Shutterstock.

If you needed a plumber or pizza delivery, there was no Google or Yelp to give you that information. Instead, you’d flip through the massive Yellow Pages to find what you needed, which usually took a bit of time. Even so, going through the pages to find the service or shop gave us a sense of satisfaction you can’t get from using a search engine.

No Seat Belts in Cars

Editorial credit: Pakphoto / Shutterstock.

It’s hard to imagine now, but once upon a time, cars didn’t have seat belts. It was completely normal to ride in the front seat without one, mostly because you didn’t have any other choice. It wasn’t until much later that we became more concerned about safety, and seatbelts became a standard part of car design.

Frogger and Arcade Games

Editorial credit: Logan Bush / Shutterstock.

Arcades were the place where you’d find the coolest games and the coolest kids spending their allowances. Games like Frogger were worth every quarter, especially if you got a high score because that gave you unlimited bragging rights. Those arcade trips helped you prove your skills while having fun with your friends.

Library Stamps

Editorial credit: Claudio Divizia / Shutterstock.

Back in the day, if you wanted to check a book out, you’d have to wait for the librarian to stamp the due date inside the cover. That stamp was the start of your adventure with your book, and you had to return it before that inked date or face those late fees. But with ebooks and technology today, your books get returned automatically. 

Typing Classes

Editorial credit: Light And Dark Studio / Shutterstock.

Learning to type was an actual class, and you’d have to learn about using the home row on clunky typewriters. Each letter made a pretty nice “clack” sound, and at the end of each line came a cool “ding.” These classes got us ready for a world where typing skills were increasingly important, even though the tech we’d use would soon change.

Mimeograph Copies

Editorial Credit: Yeongsik Im / Shutterstock.

Those purple-inked quizzes and handouts fresh off the mimeograph machine had a smell that told us it was Test Day. Just a little whiff was a reminder to buckle down and show what you’d learned. The smell was a sign that something important was going to happen, whether it was a pop quiz or just another handout.

The Sears Catalog

Editorial credit: Red Herring / Shutterstock.

The Sears catalog was like the Amazon of its day, mostly because you could spend hours dreaming and planning your next purchase. Once you’d found it, you’d call or mail in your order and wait by the door for it to arrive. It felt like an exciting and accessible way of shopping that brought new things to your doorstep.

Red Pistachios

Editorial credit: Gulcin Ragiboglu / Shutterstock.

Pistachios used to be dyed red, and that meant anyone could tell you’d been snacking just by looking at your fingers. But that was part of the fun because you’d end up guessing how red your fingers would get by the end of the bag. Even though it was just meant to hide any imperfections, that red dye has become so iconic

Flash Cube Pop

Editorial credit: Ashley Whitworth / Shutterstock.

Want to take a photo in the dark? Then you had to put a flash cube on top of the camera to do it. While it might sound novel, each flash was pretty bright and loud. But worst of all, you only had four chances per cube to take a good photo, so you had to be careful and just hope that they turned out well.

DIY Iron-On T-Shirts

Editorial credit: LightField Studios / Shutterstock.

It was pretty easy to show off our style in the past because we could customize our belongings using iron-on transfers. You could put your favorite band or a funky pattern onto a t-shirt to make it into a one-of-a-kind creation. It was a fun way to personalize your wardrobe and truly stand out.

Backyard Lawn Darts

Editorial credit: DrKing/Shutterstock.

Lawn darts were just as dangerous as they sound, especially since they had metal tips. Throwing them around in the backyard at family gatherings was fun but also pretty dangerous by today’s standards. You needed more than just good aim if you wanted to win because you also had to be quite brave.

Collect Calls

Editorial credit: Ingo Bartussek / Shutterstock.

If you wanted to make a phone call and didn’t have any change, you could just use a collect call. The phone company would ask the person on the other end if they’d accept the charges for your call and, if they really liked you, they would. It was a real lifesaver if you needed to get a message home.

Milk Chutes in Homes

Editorial credit: Dragon Images / Shutterstock.

Most homes would have a small, built-in milk chute so the milkman could drop off fresh bottles of milk directly into your kitchen. You’d wake up in the morning to find chilled bottles of milk waiting for you, which was always a nice surprise. It was pretty convenient and also meant the milk wouldn’t sit out for too long.

Pencil Rewinds

Editorial credit: Piotr Wytrazek / Shutterstock.

Owning cassette tapes meant you had to deal with the hassle of a tangled tape. You’d stick the pencil into the spool and rotate it to wind the loose tape back into the cassette. It was certainly annoying, yes, but this little hack saved many mixtapes from the edge of disaster. Each time you got the tape running smoothly felt like a victory.

Dime Stores

Editorial credit: Andriy Blokhin / Shutterstock.

Dime stores were where you could find pretty much anything at a bargain, no matter if you needed a new school notebook or just some kitchen tools. And the best part of all? The prices were always low. Each trip felt like an adventure because you’d always find something completely new or useful.

Saturday Morning Cartoons

Editorial credit: Keith Homan / Shutterstock.

Saturday morning cartoons were a routine for a lot of us as we sat in front of the TV waiting for our favorite shows. Some people preferred “Scooby Doo” while other people were fans of “Tom and Jerry.” Either way, these shows were ones that made getting up early at the weekend pretty exciting. 

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