25 Genius Hiding Places for Valuables to Fool Burglars - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

25 Genius Hiding Places for Valuables to Fool Burglars

In today’s world, security involves more than just locking your doors, and you’ve got to find creative ways to keep your valuables safe from prying eyes. But did you know just how many hiding spots your house actually has? Here are 25 spots to hide your valuables that most burgers will never find.

The Bottom of Your Plant Pots

Editorial credit: AngieYeoh/Shutterstock.

Believe it or not, the dirt in your plant pots can hide more than just roots. Try putting some of your small valuables into a waterproof container and burning them under the soil to keep them safe. It’s unlikely that any thieves that come to call are going to search through your plants, which makes them a perfect place to hide any small keepsakes.

In a Fake Plant

Editorial credit: Anastasiia Chepinska/Shutterstock.

No green thumb? No problem. A fake plant can be a nice piece of decor, but it can also double up as a sneaky spot to hide things. Cut into the foam base, and voila, you’ll have your own secret compartment that you’ll never need to water. Who said you need to be a gardener to hide your valuables?

Inside Fake Wall Outlets

Editorial credit: Jason Kolenda/Shutterstock.

If you’re looking to hide your things, putting them somewhere fake is a good start. Fake wall outlets are meant to look like the real thing, and they blend in so well that nobody will give them a second glance. You can stash your cash or your jewels in there, just so long as you remember not to try plugging your phone into it.

Behind Removable Baseboards

Editorial credit: Andrew Angelov/Shutterstock.

Lots of people overlook the space behind their baseboards, which is exactly why it’s such a great hiding spot. Pick a section that you can pop off and back on without too much trouble, and you’ll have yourself a secret compartment. It might need a little DIY, but it’ll be perfect for those bits and bobs you want to keep out of sight.

Hollowed-Out Books

Editorial credit: Inked Pixels/Shutterstock.

It sounds like something from a movie, but the hollowed-out book trick really works as a hiding spot. Go for a book that looks completely ordinary and hollow it out to make a hidey-hole for your treasures. Plus, it’ll always look cool when you whip out a book and then show off your jewels.

Underneath Drawer Liners

Editorial credit: Klem Mitch/Shutterstock.

Sure, drawer liners can keep your drawers clean, but they’re so much more useful than that. If you slide something flat, like important papers or a bit of emergency cash, under there, it’ll be hidden in plain sight. It’s super easy, and you won’t need any fancy tools at all, just a little bit of stealth.

In a Vented Bathroom Fan

Editorial credit: tab62/Shutterstock.

Got a working vented bathroom fan? Then you’ve also got a hiding spot that no burglar would bother with. Just tuck your valuables in a bag or container and secure it inside the vent so it’s out of the way. Like a lot of places on this list, it’s a way of hiding things in plain view that means nobody will ever look into them.

The False Bottom of a Kitchen Drawer

Image Credit: BAZA Production/Shutterstock.

Even if your kitchen drawers don’t have a false bottom, they’re relatively easy to install, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t do it. It’s a good spot for those documents or things you might need to access now and again. Who would’ve thought you could hide your valuables right under the silverware?

Inside a Vacuum Cleaner Bag

Editorial credit: Georgy Dzyura/Shutterstock.

It’s very unlikely that anyone would ever think to look inside your vacuum cleaner bag for valuables, which is exactly why they’re the perfect hiding spot. Wrap up those things you don’t really use that often and pop them in the bag away from prying eyes. After all, who’s going to dig through dust and dirt on the off-chance there’s something valuable in there?

In the Pocket of Hanging Clothes

Editorial credit: GaudiLab/Shutterstock.

You can also tuck a small pouch or envelope containing your valuables into the pockets of your clothes in the closet. This way, you’ll spread your stuff around and make it way more difficult for any thief to find. Just keep a note of which clothes you’ve put them in because you don’t want to accidentally put your valuables in the washing machine.

Behind Loose Bricks in the Fireplace

Editorial credit: Alina Rosanova/Shutterstock.

If you’re lucky enough to have a fireplace with bricks that can move a bit, then you need to put them into use. Sure, you’ll need to make sure you can take the brick out and replace it without leaving any marks, but once you’ve done that, you’ve got a secret spot for your cash. Of course, just make sure you let everyone in your house know that it’s there.

Inside a Box of Frozen Food

Editorial credit: New Africa/Shutterstock.

We bet you didn’t think your freezer could double as a safe. Well, put your valuables into a container or bag and hide them in a frozen veggie box because most burglars aren’t going to ransack your fridge. But make sure you don’t forget where you put them, or else you might be in for a cold surprise.

Underneath a Loose Floor Tile

Editorial credit: Sashkin/Shutterstock.

Got any floor tiles that are out of place or that you can lift up? Instead of getting them replaced, use them as a hidden compartment. Yes, it’ll take some work to set up, but they’re a good spot for any larger items you want to keep out of sight. You’ll have a secret spot that only you know about right in the middle of the room.

Behind an Air Vent Cover

Editorial credit: Jason Finn/Shutterstock.

Those air vent covers in your house aren’t just for show. Pop one off and put a pouch on the back to make a hidden spot that’ll blend easily into any room. This way, you can turn something that looks completely normal into a hiding place that even James Bond would be jealous of. What could be better than that?

In a Sealed Jar, Buried in Pet Food

Editorial credit: Yushchuk Myroslava/Shutterstock.

Sure, putting your valuables in a sealed jar sounds like a good idea, but it’s one of the most obvious hiding places possible. So, make things a little more difficult by burying the jar in the middle of your pet’s food bag, and you’ll keep your valuables safe and sound. Just make sure the jar is completely sealed or else your karats might start smelling like kibble.

Inside a Child’s Toy

Editorial credit: Pixavril/Shutterstock.

Your kid’s toy box can also be a secret stash for your valuables, as long as you’re smart with it. Choose a toy that your kid doesn’t really use or that they’ll accidentally give away to someone, then slip your items inside. Soon enough, a stuffed bear could become your very own personal safe.

Taped to the Back of An Appliance

Editorial credit: ImageFlow/Shutterstock.

Big appliances like fridges or freezers usually have plenty of room on the back for you to hide things, so tape a small package back there, and it’s out of view for everyone. But be careful in case the appliances get hot. You don’t really want to hide your valuables from thieves only for them to melt the next day. 

Within a Decorative Candle 

Editorial credit: New Africa/Shutterstock.

Most of us don’t think of decorative candles as being a good place to hide our goods, but they really are. If you melt the top slightly, you can hide your stuff inside, then let the candle harden again so nobody will suspect a thing. It’s still your favorite candle on the outside, its just got a different job on the inside.

In the Insulation in Your Attic

Editorial credit: ronstik/Shutterstock.

Sure, your attic insulation keeps you warm, but did you know it can also keep your valuables safe? Just wrap them up and tuck them away in the insulation, then rest easy, knowing that nobody’s going to go rooting around in there. It’ll feel like you’re an undercover spy every time you need to get something. Pretty neat, huh?

Inside a Tennis Ball

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock.

Even the simplest items, like a tennis ball, can be a secret stash, so cut a slit in one and hide your valuables inside. Of course, don’t just leave it lying around because it’ll be too obvious. Instead, put a mark on it only you’ll recognize and mix it with the other balls or sports gear to make the perfect hiding spot.

Behind a Picture

Editorial credit: OndroM/Shutterstock.

This one’s a bit of an old-school trick, but we’ve given it a modern twist. Get a frame that’s not just a frame by putting a secret compartment behind the picture. Then, hang it somewhere on the wall that looks totally normal, and you’ll know that your treasures are safe behind your favorite photo or piece of art.

Inside Old Gadgets

Editorial credit: DAMRONG RATTANAPONG / Shutterstock.

If you’ve got any remotes or old tech that’s gathering dust, don’t just throw them away. They’ll likely have a battery compartment that’s perfect for those smaller valuables, which is especially good if you’re not using the device anymore. Plus, it’s a great way to cut down on e-waste and gives your old gadgets a whole new purpose.

Inside a Games Console

Editorial credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock.

Even if you haven’t got any old gadgets, you can still make use of the ones that still work. Most consoles have a compartment for hard drives or expansion slots that you don’t always use, so put some small items in there. Just make sure it’s not in the way of any mechanical or ventilation parts, or you might have some trouble on your hands.

In a Sealed PVC Pipe

Editorial credit: Anant Kasetsinsombut/Shutterstock.

Why not turn your garden into a security feature? All you need to do is put your valuables in a sealed PVC pipe and bury the pipe among your flowers or veggies to make an outdoor safe. Make sure you put it somewhere discreet, or at least use a plant to mark the spot so you can find it again.

Behind Your Doorbell Cover

Editorial credit: Young Swee Ming/Shutterstock.

Last but not least, the back of your doorbell cover might just be the storage spot you never knew you needed because it’s small enough to hide something but also a place nobody would think to look. Next time someone rings your doorbell, they’re actually just inches away from your valuables. That’s one way to avoid becoming one of the 1 million home burglaries that happen each year.

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