22 Signs You’re the Neighbor Everyone Hates - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

22 Signs You’re the Neighbor Everyone Hates

We all want to be good neighbors, but sometimes, we do things that tick them off without even realizing it. Don’t worry because we’ve got you covered. Here are 25 habits that might make your neighbors hate you and the things you can do instead. Keeping the peace is easier than you think.

Loud Noises Late at Night

Editorial credit: Tero Vesalainen / Shutterstock.

Playing loud music or hosting noisy parties late into the night can be more annoying than you might think. You should always try to keep the noise down after 10 PM, or at least move things inside where they’re less likely to bother other people. Of course, it’s a little different during the holidays, but you should still be mindful of your neighbors.

Ignoring Your Lawn

Editorial credit: Tippman98x / Shutterstock.

A wild and overgrown lawn might be your style, but it can stick out like a sore thumb on a neat street. Give your grass a trim now and then to keep the peace and keep your home looking nicer. Making a little effort to keep your yard tidy helps everyone enjoy the view and shows them you care about your surroundings.

Too Much Water

Editorial credit: RossHelen / Shutterstock.

But you’ve also got to remember not to love your lawn too much and overdo the sprinkling. Not only is it wasteful, but it can also lead to runoff that could flood sidewalks or even seep into your neighbors’ yards. Stick to the watering guidelines from your local area to save water and keep your yard healthy.

Not Picking Up After Your Pet

Editorial credit: EMpro / Shutterstock.

Nothing says “bad neighbor,” like letting your dog do its business on someone else’s land and then not cleaning it it up. You should always have a few bags handy when you’re out for a walk so you can keep everyone’s shoes clean. After all, does anybody actually like having to dodge these landmines?

Free-Range Pets

Editorial credit: Sarawut sriphakdee / Shutterstock.

Speaking of pets, letting them wander wherever can cause a ton of issues, including safety problems or ruined gardens. You should keep your furry friends close to home, or at least on a leash, so you’re a little more considerate to your neighbors. It’ll stop any accidents and also allow everyone’s pets to coexist without trouble.

Selfish Parking

Editorial credit: Fahroni / Shutterstock.

It’s pretty frustrating when you’re struggling to find a parking spot near your home because someone’s taken up more than their fair share. Keep your vehicles within the lines, and don’t block anyone’s driveway because everyone appreciates a little parking courtesy. And best of all, it makes things easier if any emergency vehicles come by.

Fence Wars

Editorial credit: Rainer Fuhrmann / Shutterstock.

You should always stick to your own space because crossing into your neighbor’s yard without a heads-up can start issues faster than you think. If you’re planning anything that might affect the property line, make sure you talk about it first. Good fences make good neighbors, and good communication makes them even better.

Too Much Gossip

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Yes, it’s pretty tempting to talk about other neighbors over the fence, but too much gossip can turn this light-hearted chat into hard feelings. Keep things light and breezy by sticking to safe topics like the weather or what’s new at the local diner. Do you really want drama when you’re trying to relax at home?

Garbage Problems

Editorial credit: William A. Morgan / Shutterstock.

Leaving your trash out too early or letting the bin overflow is more than just an eyesore. If you don’t take it out on time, you’ll make your neighborhood look messy and even attract a bunch of critters that you really don’t want. It takes a few minutes, and it’ll make your street a lot nicer for everyone.

Common Space Clutter

Editorial credit: canduca / Shutterstock.

Speaking of mess, shared spaces are for everybody, no matter if it’s a laundry room or a hallway. It’s much nicer walking into a tidy area that everyone respects and takes care of, so don’t be that person who’s making a mess. A clean common area will also prevent accidents and make your space look a lot more inviting.

Holiday Lights

Editorial credit: AlessandroBiascioli / Shutterstock.

Who doesn’t love going all out for the holidays? But if your house looks like it’s landing planes with all those lights, you might want to dial things back a little. Try using decorations that don’t light up the neighborhood, or at least go for ones that have a timer or lower-intensity bulbs. You’ll keep the festive spirit alive without keeping your neighbors awake all night.

Poor Communication

Editorial credit: Altrendo Images / Shutterstock.

If you’ve got a big project coming up, like a new deck or a pool, you should probably give your neighbors a heads-up to avoid them being shocked or annoyed. It’s a sign of respect because you’re letting them know before the noise and crews arrive, so they’ll probably be a lot more understanding. And you never know, they might even give you some helpful tips.

Smoking Surprise

Editorial credit: Nopphon_1987 / Shutterstock.

When you light up a cigarette, remember that it’s pretty easy for the smoke to go into your neighbor’s space. You might want to stick to designated smoke areas, or at least check the wind direction before you start. Keeping your smoke to yourself is polite, and it’ll make sure the air is clean for everyone nearby.

The Never-Ending Alarm

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Constant false alarms from your car or home system can be a real headache for everyone nearby. You should regularly check and maintain your system so that they’re working properly without being overly sensitive. This way, if your alarm rings, they’ll know it’s a real emergency and could help you out.

The Spotlight Effect

Editorial credit: Quality Stock Arts / Shutterstock.

Yes, security lights are great for safety, but not so much if they’re blinding your neighbors or lighting up their bedrooms. Position these lights carefully and install motion sensors so they’ll only go off when they’re needed. You’ll be able to keep your home secure without irritating your neighbors.

Going to Waste

Editorial credit: Nitr / Shutterstock.

For those of you who are lucky enough to have fruit trees in your garden, remember to share the bounty. If they’re making more fruit than you can use, give your neighbors a basket of fruit or veggies to sweeten your relationship. Sharing what you grow will help create a sense of community spirit and reduce your waste, which is always a good thing.

Home Neglect

Editorial credit: amedeoemaja / Shutterstock.

A house falling into disrepair can be a downer for the whole street, so keep up with your home’s maintenance. Yes, it’ll help your investment, but it’ll also mean that the neighborhood looks good, and everyone will feel proud of where they live. Plus, regular upkeep will stop any small issues from becoming big problems later, which will save you time and hassle in the long run,

Shouting Matches

Editorial credit: Poli MilanMarkovic78/ Shutterstock.

We all have our moments, but constant yelling or loud arguments can make things a little tense. You should always try to keep your voice down, especially during the early or late hours. Or better yet, you could try to settle any disagreements calmly because a quieter response often fixes things faster than shouting ever could.

Messy Cookouts

Editorial credit: Crystal Madsen / Shutterstock.

Firing up the grill in the communal BBQ area is a great way to get the whole community involved. Just remember to clean up after yourself. Nobody wants to cook their burgers next to the burned remnants of last week’s dinner. Keep the area tidy to show everyone you care about the shared space and that you’re ready for the next neighborly gathering.

Too Many Garage Sales

Editorial credit: Pressmaster / Shutterstock.

Having too many garage sales can turn your peaceful block into a busy market, which nobody wants. If you’re dead set on making a few bucks from your old stuff, try to limit the number of them to keep things calm. It’ll keep the traffic at a manageable level and help you avoid market fatigue.

Battle of the Bugs

Editorial credit: Michael Vi / Shutterstock.

An ant invasion or mosquito breeding ground can become a problem for the entire neighborhood faster than you might think. You should regularly check your property for standing water or debris where these pests can thrive. It’s a lot easier to tackle these problems when they’re small to stop them from spreading.

Never Returning

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Moving to a neighborhood where people borrow and share each others’ things is great, but don’t do too much of either. Always keep track of what you’ve borrowed and make sure it goes back to its rightful owner in good condition. It’s a simple act of respect that’ll build trust and make your neighbors more willing to share things with you again.

Sidewalk Situation

Editorial credit: Sophon Nawit / Shutterstock.

Leaving toys or tools out can block sidewalks and cause major hazards that you could end up paying for. Do you really wanna fork out for someone else’s medical bills just because your bike was blocking the sidewalk? A clear sidewalk is a safe one, and it’s particularly important for people with mobility challenges.

Flouting the Rules

Editorial credit: Thinglass / Shutterstock.

It doesn’t matter if it’s noise ordinances or parking regulations because local laws and community rules are there for a reason. Keeping within these rules will help you avoid fines and keep the peace. Don’t you want to live somewhere where everyone respects each other and there’s a sense of order?

Community Ghost

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

You don’t have to be the life of every party, but showing your face at a community event now and then shows people you care about them. It’s an easy way to catch up with other people and meet new friends by becoming a more important part of your neighborhood relationships. You might even enjoy it.

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