19 Perilous Small Towns in America You Should Avoid at All Costs - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

19 Perilous Small Towns in America You Should Avoid at All Costs

Across the USA, crime can cost quite a bit in small towns. Forget about the police sirens and crime scene tape because the dollars and cents add up. These costs hit these communities hard. Today, we’re looking at 18 of America’s most dangerous small towns and cities and the crime cost per person.

Monroe, Louisiana

Editorial credit: Sabrina Janelle Gordon / Shutterstock.

This data comes from a Money Geek report. Monroe, Louisiana, is at the top of the list, with a crime cost of $8,902 per person. Louisiana sounds like it should be filled with sweet tea and friendly people, but this small town is dealing with more than its fair share of crime. Unfortunately, this has left its mark on the town in all the wrong ways.

Petersburg, Virginia

Editorial credit: EWY Media / Shutterstock.

 Petersburg, Virginia’s crime costs are just behind Monroe’s at $8,867 per person. Despite the town’s long history, it’s not immune to modern problems, and high crime costs affect everyone there. People here are trying to figure out how to solve these issues, but it doesn’t look like a solution will come anytime soon.

Saginaw, Michigan

Editorial credit: Jacob Boomsma / Shutterstock.

 Saginaw, Michigan, isn’t far behind the other small towns, with a crime cost of $8,856 per person. This town used to have a strong automobile industry, but since so many of these companies have left, many citizens have turned to crime to pay their bills. It’s an expensive change costing people more than just money.

Florence, South Carolina

Editorial credit: Felix Mizioznikov / Shutterstock.

 Down in Florence, South Carolina, crime costs around $8,521 per person. There’s no denying that the people here have a real sense of community, and it’s also a beautiful town. Sadly, crime doesn’t care about either of these, and the high rates of crime are certainly making people see Southern charm differently.

Alexandria, Louisiana

Editorial credit: Sabrina Janelle Gordon / Shutterstock.

 For the next entry, we’re back in Louisiana, but this time, we’re in Alexandria, where crime costs $7,955 per person. This small town is right in the middle of everything, and the high crime rate means higher bills and more worries for the locals. Both families and businesses are feeling the impact of dealing with this crime.

Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Editorial credit: SevenMaps / Shutterstock.

 In Pine Bluff, Arkansas, crime costs approximately $7,935 per capita, which might be surprising for anyone who knows this town’s rich history. People here are working together to deal with the crime rates and try to reduce these costs. Hopefully, this sense of community will help them solve these problems.

Portsmouth, Virginia

Editorial credit: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.

 When you hear “Portsmouth, Virginia,” you probably think about the town’s naval shipyard. Unfortunately, it’s becoming infamous for its issues with crimes, as these costs are rising. People here are fighting to stay safe and deal with these economic problems, which aren’t exactly easy.

Houma, Louisiana

Editorial credit: Wirestock Creators / Shutterstock.

 You’d think that a place with so many community festivals wouldn’t struggle so much with crime, but sadly, even this can’t stop the rising crime rates in Houma, Louisiana. The town has a crime cost of $6,920 per person. Local authorities are trying to reduce this rate and preserve the town’s famous Cajun lifestyle but to no avail.

Rocky Mount, North Carolina

Editorial credit: Wileydoc / Shutterstock.

 Most people know Rocky Mount, North Carolina, for its mills and beautiful scenery, although this great place also has some not-so-great issues to sort out. Crime costs around $5,647 per person here, and the community is trying to sort these issues out. The local government has also created several safety programs to help lower these costs.

North Little Rock, Arkansas

Editorial credit: Lee Manns Photography / Shutterstock.

 North Little Rock, Arkansas, is little by name but certainly not by nature. Crime costs $5,494 per person. The constant community events here might make the place seem welcoming, although the cost of crime is anything but. Improvements to local policing and community programs will be important to reduce these rates.

Fairbanks, Alaska

Editorial credit: Jacob Boomsma / Shutterstock.

 Hidden away in Alaska, Fairbanks has its own share of crime costs, approximately $5,273 per person. It might be a remote town, but crime doesn’t care about the distance. Locals and officials are trying to improve safety programs and community patrols to keep an eye out for trouble. Hopefully, these measures will work.

York, Pennsylvania

Editorial credit: Sabrina Janelle Gordon / Shutterstock.

 York, Pennsylvania, is probably most famous for its role in our great nation’s founding days, although life in this town is quite different now. Its crime rate is $5,177 per person, causing real challenges for the people’s resilient spirit. The government is trying to encourage more job training and education opportunities to reduce crime from the ground up.

Atlantic City, New Jersey

Editorial credit: ESB Professional / Shutterstock.

 In Atlantic City, the boardwalk empire rules, and so, it turns out, does crime. Crime costs roughly $4,975 per person, which is mostly because the appeal of easy cash and huge numbers of tourists make this small town a target for petty crimes and theft. The police are patrolling some of the city’s hotspots more frequently to tackle this issue.

Riviera Beach, Florida

Editorial credit: Leonard Zhukovsky / Shutterstock.

 Riviera Beach, Florida, is where the sun almost always shines, although it has a darker side, with crime costs reaching $4,932 per capita. Like Atlantic City, the town’s popularity as a tourist destination is working against its favor and causing increased theft. Locals are trying to provide alternatives to street life for youth to reduce future crime rates.

Flint Township, Michigan

Editorial credit: Notorious4life /Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

 It’s no surprise that Flint Township, Michigan, is on this list, as the town has struggled with economic challenges and high unemployment rates for a while. Crime costs about $4,874 per person, but the community is fighting back. For example, some areas have created neighborhood watch programs to encourage locals to look out for each other.

Bessemer, Alabama

Editorial credit: Muhammad Anas Raza / Shutterstock.

 Although it’s not in Money Geek’s report, other research shows that Bessemer, Alabama, also suffers from high crime rates. Industry in this small town has practically disappeared, leaving behind economic problems and high unemployment. Naturally, this has increased the number of thefts and property crimes here.

Compton, California

Editorial credit: Matt Gush / Shutterstock.

 Fame and socio-economic problems have caused high crime rates in Compton, California. Research shows that the violent crime rate here is approximately 11.4 for every 1000 residents, which is far higher than the state figure of 4.99 and the national average of 4. You also have a 1 in 37 chance of being the victim of a property crime.

Camden, New Jersey

Editorial credit: Kyle J Little / Shutterstock.

 Like several other small towns on this list, the loss of industry in Camden, New Jersey, is one of the biggest reasons crime has increased. This has caused many people to lose their jobs and struggle financially, forcing them to turn to other methods to put food on the table. Although the city has gradually gotten safer over the years, it’s still quite dangerous.

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