18 Rules Legal Gun Owners Should Never Break - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Rules Legal Gun Owners Should Never Break

Owning a gun is a big deal, and it comes with some serious responsibilities that everyone should know about. Why? Because there’s nothing more important than safety and legality with firearms. There are 18 things you should absolutely avoid as a gun owner and why.

Always Do Your Background Checks

Editorial credit: Guy J. Sagi / Shutterstock.

If you’re thinking about skipping that background check when buying a new gun, then think again. Going through the proper channels will make sure you’re not handing a weapon to someone who shouldn’t have one. Keep it above board, and you’ll stay out of trouble and keep everyone safer. Research shows just how important background checks are.

Keep That Gun Holstered

Editorial credit: Jamie Carroll/ Shutterstock.

There’s no need to flash your firearm around in public because it scares other people and can cause some deadly misunderstandings. Always keep your weapon concealed or holstered unless it’s absolutely necessary to show it. After all, respect and safety are essential for every gun owner.

Don’t Skip the Safety Course

Editorial credit: Marcel Poncu/ Shutterstock.

You might think you know all there is about handling a gun, but there’s always something new to learn. Regularly attend safety courses so you can brush up on the dos and don’ts. You’ll also get the scoop on any new gun laws that might have come around without you realizing, and you could even make some new friends.

No Illegal Mods

Editorial credit: Atlantist Studio / Shutterstock.

Messing with your gun to make it shoot faster or hit harder is tempting, but you should check the rule book first. Modifying your firearm illegally just isn’t worth it, and if you want to upgrade, make sure it’s within the law. Remember, any unauthorized changes could void warranties and make your weapon less reliable.

Guns Away From Kids

Editorial credit: Yevhen Prozhyrko / Shutterstock.

Kids and guns are a dangerous mix, so you should always lock up your firearm where little hands can’t reach it. It doesn’t matter if it’s a gun safe or a locked drawer, just as long as it’s secure. Unsecured guns can lead to tragedies that you can easily prevent, and every gun owner should know this.

Sober Shooting

Editorial credit: Rohak / Shutterstock.

Handling your gun after a few drinks or while on drugs is a big no-no. Being under the influence messes with your judgment and your motor skills, and these are two things you need to handle a firearm safely. Save the celebration for after the guns are securely put away because the consequences can be irreversible.

Leave Repairs to the Pros

Editorial credit: SROOLOVE/ Shutterstock.

If you have a problem with your gun, don’t try to be a hero by fixing it yourself. Guns are complex machines, and one wrong move could spell disaster. When in doubt, take it to a professional who can make the necessary repairs safely. They’ll make sure that your firearm is functioning correctly and safely.

Guns Stay With You

Editorial credit: rdlamkin / Shutterstock.

Letting your friend borrow your firearm might seem like no big deal, but it can get you both into legal trouble, especially if they’re not licensed to carry it. It’s better to keep your firearms under your control at all times. This way, you’ll always know where your gun is and who’s actually using it.

Protect Your Ears and Eyes

Editorial credit: viicha / Shutterstock.

Shooting without ear and eye protection can cause serious damage. Long-term exposure to shooting noise, for example, can lead to significant hearing loss. It might not be the coolest look, but wearing earplugs and safety glasses at the range is a must because they’ll keep you safe while you sharpen your skills. 

Unload Before You Lock Up

Editorial credit: Lincoln Rogers / Shutterstock.

Storing your gun loaded is like leaving the keys in your car with the engine running in the sense that you’re just asking for trouble. Always, always unload your gun before you lock it up for the night. It’s a simple step that prevents accidental firings, and it should become second nature to any gun owner.

Stay Cool, Stay Safe

Editorial credit: Jan Mika / Shutterstock.

It’s easy to get heated, especially if someone’s pushing your buttons, but when you’re carrying a gun, you’ve got to keep a cool head. Escalating a tense situation can lead to real harm when firearms are involved, so step back and think before you act. You should never use your firearm as a tool of aggression or a way to intimidate other people.

Know Your Local Laws

Editorial credit: Zerbor / Shutterstock.

Gun laws aren’t the same everywhere, so what’s okay in one place might get you in some serious trouble in another. It pays to keep up with your local laws, and it’ll cost you if you don’t. Keeping up-to-date with any changes in firearm legislation will keep you on the right side of the law.

Shoot Only in Safe Places

Editorial credit: HildeAnna / Shutterstock.

As a gun owner, you might get an itch to fire off a few rounds. That’s okay; just make sure you’re in the right spot because shooting in non-designated areas is both unsafe and usually illegal. Stick to the range or other approved areas where you can shoot safely and legally. This way, you won’t put yourself or others in danger.

Guns Aren’t Tools

Editorial credit: LightField Studios / Shutterstock.

When you need to hammer in a nail, use a hammer, not your gun. Using your firearm as a tool is seriously dangerous, and it can also damage a perfectly good weapon. After all, guns are for shooting, not for DIY home repairs, so you should always use the right tool for the job. Your gun isn’t one of them.

Keep the Showboating at the Range

Editorial credit: JazzyGeoff / Shutterstock.

If you’re trying to impress your friends with your quick draw or sharpshooting, then save it for the shooting range. Showing off in public can make people nervous and attract unwanted attention from the law. The range should be a place for you to perfect your skills instead of somewhere you’re showing off.

Take Care of Your Mental Health

Editorial credit: marekuliasz / Shutterstock.

We all feel off our game sometimes, and when this happens, it’s probably not the best time to handle a firearm. Guns require a clear mind. If you’re feeling stressed or angry, step back until you’re feeling more like yourself because handling firearms when you’re distracted or overly emotional can drastically increase the risk of accidents.

Match Ammo to Gun

Editorial credit: William A. Ceron / Shutterstock.

Using the wrong ammo can ruin your gun and is downright dangerous. It’s easy enough to make sure your ammunition matches your gun’s specifications before you load up, so make sure you do it. After all, research shows that around 3,498 Americans died between 2015 and 2021 because of unintentional shootings, and you really don’t want to add to this.

Don’t Over-Depend on Your Gun

Editorial credit: Daniel Jedzura / Shutterstock.

A gun can make you feel a little safer, but it shouldn’t be your only line of defense. Invest in a good home security system, keep your doors locked, and stay aware of your surroundings. A well-rounded approach to security is always smarter than relying solely on a firearm since this could fail you when you need it most.

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