18 Things That Annoy Men As They Get Older - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Things That Annoy Men As They Get Older

Let’s face it, getting older doesn’t just mean you start forgetting where you left your glasses or laughing about the good old days. There are a bunch of small things that can start to bug us more as we get older, and there are some that annoy older men specifically. Here are 18 things that really grind on older men’s gears and why.

Not Being Healthy

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

One day, you’re fine, and the next, you’re not sure where that new ache or pain came from. It’s pretty annoying when your body starts surprising you like this, especially if you’ve spent most of your life in good shape. Suddenly, there’s a whole lineup of doctors that you’re supposed to visit regularly.

Overwhelmed by Technology

Editorial credit: Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.

Just when you think you’ve got the hang of your smartphone, it’s time for you to update or upgrade because of all those new apps and new features. And don’t get us started on the passwords. It’s enough to make you miss the good old days because keeping up with the latest technology can be pretty exhausting.

Friends Moving On

Editorial credit: SasaStock / Shutterstock.

It’s hard when you have fewer friends to talk to, whether that’s because they’ve retired and moved to Florida or just because they’re not into hanging out anymore. Trying to make new friends at this stage is pretty difficult, and it’s hard to imagine that you used to find it easy when you were young. If this is you, don’t worry because it’s a common feeling among adult men.

Everything Was Better Before

Editorial credit: VGstockstudio/ Shutterstock.

When you get older, you might start saying, “Back in my day…” unironically. It gets annoying when you start feeling nostalgic about stuff because it makes you feel a little frustrated about how people run things today. It seems like a lot of stuff just doesn’t measure up to how the good old days were.

Too Much Noise

Editorial credit: pathdoc / Shutterstock.

Was the world always this noisy? Every little thing seems like it’s hosting its own mini-concert, whether it’s a new fridge or a mall. The volume levels everywhere have gone up, and your tolerance for them has definitely gone down, which is enough to make you appreciate the peace and quiet more than ever.

Wrong End of the Stick

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Conversations just feel like a minefield now because you say one thing, and younger people hear another. What was fine to say before is completely wrong now, while words that meant one thing have changed to mean the opposite now. Suddenly, you’re the one who’s out of the loop, and it’s no fun to be misunderstood.

Eating Isn’t the Same

Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.

Chances are, the doctor will probably tell you to change your diet by cutting down on steak and eggs. That’s a major bummer. Having to change what you eat can make meal times a lot less enjoyable and a lot more of a hassle. After all, nobody wants to have to say no to their favorite foods.

Never-Ending Rush Hour

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Remember when life was a little slower? These days, it feels like everyone’s rushing around, and you can’t catch a break, or else you’ll fall behind as well. Lots of older men get frustrated because they’d much rather take their time than keep up, but sadly, they haven’t got much of a choice.

Assuming Your Age

Editorial credit: George Rudy / Shutterstock.

Younger people start to treat you like you’re ancient just because you’re a bit older, and they’ll start making assumptions about you. Got a smartphone? You obviously can’t use it because you’re old. Ordering your favorite meal at a restaurant? It’s because you don’t want to try anything new. Being treated like this is annoying and, quite frankly, a bit insulting.

Losing Your Independence

Editorial credit: Nattakorn_Maneerat / Shutterstock.

Unfortunately, getting older also means you’ve got to start relying on other people more, even for things you could do by yourself pretty easily. They might have to help you drive to the store or manage your own appointments, and losing this sense of independence can be a real drag. In fact, research shows it can also have some pretty bad mental health consequences, too.

Money Doesn’t Stretch As Far

Editorial credit: Lena Evans / Shutterstock.

Everything, and we mean everything, is a lot more expensive these days, and that makes managing finances on a fixed income a real challenge. What’s worse, every time you turn around, there’s another bill or unexpected expense that you’ve got no choice about paying. Who needs that kind of stress during the golden years?

Endless Home Upkeep

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Keeping the house or yard tidy has become a full-time job, and it’s not getting any easier on your back or knees. It’s enough to make you wonder if the downsizing hype could actually have something to it. Plus, it feels like every other weekend, you’ve found yet another thing that needs fixing or cleaning.

Feeling Ignored

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

It doesn’t matter if it’s conversations or in the workplace because it’s pretty common to feel overlooked when you’re older. People start treating you like you’re invisible, or they’ll just dismiss what you’ve got to say, which is pure ageism. Just because you’re older doesn’t mean you’re not useful anymore.

Sleep? What’s That?

Editorial Credit: Motortion Films / Shutterstock.

Sleeping through the night is now officially a thing of the past because you keep having to go to the restroom, or you’re just spending hours thinking about the shed paint. Good sleep is harder to come by, and this makes the next day even harder. It becomes normal to toss and turn all night, which makes you feel groggy way before your morning coffee.

Not As Strong

Editorial credit: Perfect Wave / Shutterstock.

Those jars aren’t opening themselves anymore, and it feels like furniture has suddenly gotten a lot healthier. Things that felt like no big deal before are now a workout for your mind and body. It’s annoying not being able to do things with the same ease or strength, especially if you’re the kind of guy who’s always been proud of their strength.

Constant Doctor Visits 

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Research shows that people start seeing the doctor more frequently when they get older, which makes sense because you’re not as healthy anymore. Whether it’s for routine check-ups or dealing with new issues, the amount of time you’re spending in the waiting room is really starting to pile up. Forget being tedious because this is just plain annoying.

The Pill Schedule

Editorial credit: Alexander Raths / Shutterstock.

Speaking of health, having to take different pills at different times of the day can really start to grind on you after a while. You have to remember what to take, and the general hassle of being tied to a medication schedule is annoying. And then there are the possible side effects, which are bad enough on their own.

Keeping Up with Fashion

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

Trying to stay stylish without dressing like your teenage grandson is pretty difficult. Fashion trends don’t always make sense anymore, and it’s hard for older guys to find clothes that are both comfortable and chic. All the new clothes look like they’re designed for people who haven’t had a good meal in years. What about the rest of us?

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