18 Ways to Know You’ve Made the Leap from Middle Class to Wealthy - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Ways to Know You’ve Made the Leap from Middle Class to Wealthy

Going from middle class to officially rich isn’t just about having a larger bank account. Some pretty clear signs show you’ve made it to the big leagues, and you might not even realize it. Here are 20 signs that you’re rich and not just middle-class.

Homes in Different Area Codes

Editorial credit: shisu_ka / Shutterstock.

If you’ve got the keys to homes in more than one zip code, then chances are that you’re doing a little better than alright. Owning multiple properties means you have options for your summer vacation, and you’ve also got a smart way to invest your money. Plus, if you’re a landlord, it’s another steady income stream that your average Joe doesn’t make.


Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

Not worrying about credit card bills or student loans sounds pretty nice. If you’re one of those 23% of Americans living a life without debt worries, it’s a big sign that you’ve moved up in the world. Being debt-free means you can focus on growing your wealth instead of just surviving like ordinary middle-class people.

Investments Pay the Bills

Editorial credit: goodluz /Shutterstock.

Anyone who has investments that are bringing in enough money to cover their living expenses should give themselves a pat on the back. This means they’ve made it to financial freedom because their money is working hard, so they don’t have to. Being able to watch your bank account grow without directly doing it yourself is something only for the wealthy.

First Class is the Only Class

Editorial credit: Aerodim / Shutterstock.

Can’t remember the last time you didn’t fly first-class? Then you’re probably rich because that means it’s your travel standard. People who always fly first-class would rather have a smooth journey and high-quality service, which they’re willing to pay extra for. These are the kinds of people who have an above-average budget.

Exclusive Club Member

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

Many rich people like spending their weekends golfing or networking, and they’ll often do this as a place where not just everyone can join. Having a membership at a swanky country club is a huge sign that you’re part of the elite circle. It’s a card that helps you to make connections and shows off your status.

Full-Time Help in the House

Editorial credit: Evgeny Atamanenko / Shutterstock.

When you’ve got people to take care of your house or garden, and it doesn’t break the bank, it’s clear you’re living the high life. You might even have someone to cook your meals, which is a daily luxury. It frees up your time for more fun activities or even more work, as you know that time is money.

Rosy Retirement

Image Credit: BAZA Production/Shutterstock.

Being able to plan out your retirement with plenty of cash to spare is definitely a luxury. It means you’re ready to retire without any worries, so you can travel around the world or even just enjoy your days at home. Instead of being like most retirees who are barely getting by, you’re living well into your golden years.

Premium Health Insurance

Editorial credit: Natee Meepian / Shutterstock.

So many of us have health insurance, but not all of us have a health plan that lets us skip the lines and get the best care. If you can do that without a second thought about how much it costs, that means you’re living the good life. This kind of coverage goes beyond your basic needs and means you’ve always got access to the best kind of medical professionals.

Giving Back Big Time

Editorial credit: RealPeopleStudio / Shutterstock.

Of course, being rich doesn’t always mean you’re constantly holding onto your wealth. Being able to write big checks for charity or supporting causes without sweating it means you’re definitely doing more than a little okay. You’re wealthy enough to make a real difference in the world.

Big Benefactor

Editorial credit: boonchoke / Shutterstock.

Similarly, hosting galas means you’re rich enough to change the entire community by contributing a lot to public events and initiatives. This puts you in a position of influence and respect like no other. This kind of wealth means you’re able to improve your own life and the lives of people around you.

Pride in Private School

Editorial credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.

When it comes to your kids’ education, if only the best and priciest schools are on your list, then you’re certainly rich. Unlike most other parents, the tuition fees aren’t causing you heartburn because you care about getting a good education without compromising. Choosing where your kids study means giving them the best opportunities to succeed and network even when they’re young.

Expert at Estate Planning

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

Only the richest people have to spend a lot of time figuring out how to manage their assets after they’ve gone, as they have assets that are big enough to bother handling. They know they need a lawyer to handle their wills and trusts so their estate planning happens according to their wishes. It’s also a good way to simplify things for their heirs.

Art Collector

Editorial credit: UfaBizPhoto / Shutterstock.

Everyone loves art, but not everybody has enough money to own original pieces or rare collectibles. After all, according to Symposia, the average price for a new artist is between $6,000 and $7,000. It’s a hobby for the sophisticated that’s also a smart financial strategy because these pieces could increase in value over time. 

Luxury Labels

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Rocking high-end fashion brands every day without even blinking means you’re not just well-off, you’re rich. Wealthy people love the feel of premium fabric of high fashion items and the way they make you look and feel good. The confidence you get from wearing exclusive designs is utterly priceless.

Car Enthusiasts

Editorial credit: Prostock-studi / Shutterstock.

Some people are blessed enough that they can change their cars as often as they change their shoes. When your garage is a revolving door of the latest and greatest vehicles, you’re living every car lover’s dreams. Rich people have a passion for the roar of the engines that they can actually afford.

Grocery Shopping Without a Care

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

Research shows that 90% of Americans are worried about the cost of groceries when they’re shopping, but not rich people. They can walk through the store grabbing whatever catches their eye without looking at the price tag or their bank account afterward. They’re able to buy the freshest seafood and most aged cheese to make every meal a true experience.

Impulse Buying

Editorial credit: Daisy Daisy / Shutterstock.

Similarly, we all have our impulse buys, but only wealthy people can make those big purchases on a whim without flinching at the receipt. It doesn’t matter if it’s art or tech because, for them, it’s just another day of shopping. They love the thrill of getting something new right there and there without worrying about finances.

Vacationing in Style

Editorial credit: Ruslan Huzau / Shutterstock.

Rich people can jet off to the most exclusive places in the world, where the beaches are utterly perfect, and the service is to die for. If you’re heading off to places like the Maldives or Monaco on the regular, you’re definitely wealthy. You’re able to celebrate your luxury and make memories in some of the world’s most private and expensive places.

Yacht or Jet?

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

When you own a yacht or have regular access to a private jet, you’re planning in a different league. You don’t need to deal with the masses or stick to airline schedules because you can just fly whenever or wherever you want. Those weekend getaways and spontaneous trips become that much more classy.

Advisers on Call

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Only the richest people have a team to help them manage their wealth because they’ve got to make sure their finances are bulletproof. These advisers are always ready to take your call and give you personalized advice on growing and protecting your riches. Wealthy people know they’ve got to manage their money well to make a legacy that truly lasts.

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