18 Reasons Employers Are Reluctant to Hire Gen Z Workers - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Reasons Employers Are Reluctant to Hire Gen Z Workers

Despite all their skills and qualifications, many members of Gen Z are struggling to get a job. But it’s not because of anything personal, as lots of bosses are simply refusing to hire this generation. What’s going on? Let’s learn about 18 reasons why this generation’s finding getting a job so difficult and why employers are steering clear of them.

They’re Not Loyal

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

Unlike other generations who might’ve stuck with one company for the long haul, Gen Z tends to prioritize personal development over company loyalty. They’re much more likely to jump ships if they feel their values aren’t being respected or if they feel they can grow elsewhere. This makes many employers hesitant to even bother hiring them.

They’re Obsessed With Diversity

Editorial credit: voronaman / Shutterstock.

For Gen Z, if a company’s workforce or leadership isn’t diverse enough, it turns them off. They think diverse workplaces are fairer and more creative, so they’re happy to ignore them if they’re not getting this. Some employers might think focusing on diversity like this is more effort than it’s worth, so they’d rather skip out on this generation altogether.

They’re Too Casual

Editorial credit: Tada Images / Shutterstock.

Gen Z is pretty used to texting and using emojis when they communicate, which doesn’t go down well in professional settings where being formal is the norm. Some bosses worry about how Gen Z’s communication style will fit in with existing teams and if it’ll cause any conflict. As such, employers stick to the generations they know they can trust.

They’re Too Tech-Focused

Editorial credit: Song_about_summer / Shutterstock.

Gen Z isn’t the kind of generation to hang around if they’re still expected to fax their reports. They’re looking for a workplace that’s totally plugged in at every stage, whether it’s with project management or how you do payroll. Any office that doesn’t have the latest and greatest technology might find it hard to impress these younger people.

They Want Instant Fixes

Editorial credit: Pressmaster / Shutterstock.

Speaking of technology, Gen Z has been raised with the world at their fingertips, and they expect lightning-fast solutions for pretty much everything. If you’re too slow with IT support, then these younger people might just start eyeing the exit. Unfortunately, not every business can provide this, and they’ll choose employees who don’t mind a slower pace.

They’re Always Questioning Authority

Editorial credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.

Don’t expect Gen Z to just follow the rules because that’s how it’s always been done. They’re not shy about questioning the way things are if they think it’s not right or unclear. This can cause them to ruffle a few feathers, especially in jobs where the pecking order is set in stone, and employers would rather avoid this drama.

They Care Too Much About Wellness

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

These younger people take their health benefits pretty seriously, which is why they want the full package, including mental health. When the benefits brochure looks too thin for Gen Z, they’re happy to just ignore this position completely. Smaller businesses usually can’t afford to meet these high expectations without stretching their budget, so they’ll just ignore them.

They Want More Than a Boss

Editorial Credit: Grustock / Shutterstock.

Instead of most generations seeing a boss as someone to just sign their paychecks, Gen Z is looking for someone who can make a real connection with them. They care about mentors over managers, so they want their employers to genuinely support them in their professional growth. Unfortunately for them, most bosses just want to keep their corporate distance.

They Don’t Like the 9-to-5

Editorial credit: Ariya J / Shutterstock.

The traditional workday simply doesn’t work for Gen Z because they thrive on flexibility. Many of them want to have a career where they can work whenever they feel most productive instead of just the usual 9-to-5 schedule. As not all companies can provide this flexibility, some of them have to hire people who are happy with the traditional approach.

They Like Freelancing

Editorial Credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.

Similarly, freedom is the name of the game for Gen Z, and freelancing is how they like to play it. They’re drawn to gigs that let them be their own boss and set their own schedules. Of course, most traditional roles don’t allow employees to be this creative, which is why some of them don’t hire Gen Z. 

They’re Too International

Editorial credit: PopTika/Shutterstock.

Why stick to local opportunities when you can go global? Since they’ve grown up in a world where the international community is just a few clicks away, Gen Z is keen on being able to stretch their legs on the worldwide stage. Not all employers can provide this, and they’d rather pick more regional candidates.

They’re Too Green

Editorial credit: shellygraphy/ Shutterstock.

If your company isn’t on board with being green, then you’re practically invisible to Gen Z, as they’re one of the most eco-conscious generations out there. They take sustainability and respect for the planet incredibly seriously, so they want their jobs to do the same thing. But ditching single-use plastics comes at a cost that’s too much for some employers.

They Crave Creativity

Editorial credit: Nikita Savostikov / Shutterstock.

Gen Z doesn’t just want to clock in and clock out like other generations because they’re here to make their mark. They’re looking for positions where they can truly flex their creative side, even in industries that are traditionally quite stiff. No room for creativity? Then you might not have room for them.

They Care More About Ethics

Editorial credit: VGstockstudio / Shutterstock.

Likewise, the paycheck isn’t as important to Gen Z as other things. The way that a company does business matters a lot to them, and they’ll do their research before saying yes. If there are any signs of shady practices, they’ll start heading for the hills. Any company that can’t be completely sure of this might avoid hiring this younger generation. 

They Want Authenticity

Editorial credit: Natee Meepian / Shutterstock.

Gen Z can spot a fake from a mile away, and they care a lot about their employers being authentic. Companies that try to seem cool just to attract younger employees but don’t back it up with real action won’t fool Gen Z. They want something that’s not merely a well-made Instagram feed.

They’re Worried About AI

Editorial credit: Pixels Hunter / Shutterstock.

While AI might be cool, Gen Z is a little worried about employers using it at work. They want to know whether AI is going to replace them or if it’ll just make things a little easier for them. Since so many companies use AI and not all of them are completely clear about it, it can spook this generation.

They Like Collaboration

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Many Gen Z people prefer collaboration to competition, and they’d like to be part of a workforce where teamwork and mutual support are normal. Of course, that can be a pretty unrealistic expectation in some industries. Not all employees can work together, which is why some bosses would rather stick to hiring people who understand this.

They Want More of a Purpose

Editorial credit: Mangostar / Shutterstock.

Lastly, Gen Z wants to make a difference with their position. They want to have a meaningful impact on the world around them, and that’s not always easy to achieve in every industry. Some employers aren’t sure how to express this to Gen Z candidates, so they’ll reject them completely. 

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