18 Outdated and Terrifying Beliefs We Should Leave in the Past - Boomer insight

Andy Peters

18 Outdated and Terrifying Beliefs We Should Leave in the Past

As time passes, so does our understanding of what beliefs serve us well and which ones don’t. Let’s take a look at 18 beliefs that are still around and why they’re more than a little out-of-style. If you still believe in them, that’s okay, but you might want to consider leaving them in the past.

Black Cats Are Bad Luck

Editorial credit: Giedriius/ Shutterstock.

People have different superstitions about black cats; in America, they’re symbols of doom and gloom. But honestly, they’re just cats who happen to be black. This silly superstition means that fewer adorable black cats are being adopted, and it’s time for us to show some love for these fuzzy friends. We should judge them by their character, not their color. 

Old Dogs Can’t Learn New Tricks

Editorial credit: YAKOBCHUK-VIACHESLAV / Shutterstock.

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? And by dog, we mean anyone over 50. There’s no age limit on learning because smartphones and computers are for everyone, so let’s stop sidelining people just because of their age. Science actually proves that continual learning has many benefits, especially when you’re older. 

Women Are Just for the Kitchen

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

It’s not the 1950s, so believing that women belong only in the kitchen is utterly ridiculous. Everyone, regardless of gender, can cook up a storm or run a board meeting. We should’ve ditched this idea years ago, although, sadly, some people still think it’s acceptable.

Real Men Don’t Cry

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Keeping your emotions bottled up isn’t good for anyone. Men have feelings, too, and it’s perfectly fine to express them. It’s time to trash the tough guy script and accept that it’s okay for everyone to show a little heart without judgment, as emotions are part of being human. Everyone should feel more comfortable sharing their own.

Gender-Specific Jobs

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

If you still think nursing is just for women and construction just for men, then think again because jobs don’t have genders. People should do what they’re passionate about without outdated labels. Expanding our views will make our workplaces more diverse and fulfilling, where people value skills and talents over outdated gender roles.

Adults Don’t Need Vaccines

Editorial credit: LookerStudio / Shutterstock.

Adults need their shots just as much as kids to keep from getting sick and to stop germs in their tracks. Vaccines are some of the most important tools to help us fight sicknesses because they protect ourselves and our community. They prevent the spread of certain diseases, which benefits everyone.

Love Is Just for Straight Couples

Editorial credit: Akhenaton Images / Shutterstock.

Love is love, whether it’s between John and Jane or John and James. What matters is the love, not the labels, and it’s time to celebrate all love equally. We should acknowledge and support all kinds of love because it enriches our communities and makes a more inclusive society where we’re all important.

Money Makes You Happy

Editorial credit: vitma / Shutterstock.

While money might be nice, it’s not everything, as happiness comes from other sources. It comes from laughing with friends, making memories with family, and nailing that perfect high-five. Real joy often comes from the simple moments and connections we share with others instead of the balance in our bank accounts.

Asking for Help Is Weak

Editorial credit: Pheelings media / Shutterstock.

If you need a hand, then just ask! There’s no medal for struggling on your own, whether that’s with fixing a leak or fixing your mood. Reaching out is a sign of strength, and you should never feel ashamed about wanting to speak to a friend or a professional. Doing so signifies that you’re taking responsibility for your well-being.

Kids Should Be Quiet

Editorial credit: Larysa Dubinska/ Shutterstock.

Kids should be seen and heard because their ideas and dreams can teach us something about creativity and fun. They have many things to say, and we should encourage children to express themselves. This way, they can become more confident and thoughtful people who will be ready to help the world around them.

The Customer Is Always Right

Editorial credit: Sorbis / Shutterstock.

We’ve all heard the idea thatthe customer is always right,but in all honesty, sometimes, the customer is way off base. Good service is one thing, and treating everyone with respect is another, employees included. We should respect customers and respect for service workers to create a fairer environment for everyone involved.

Strict Parenting Roles

Editorial credit: VGstockstudio / Shutterstock.

Moms can fix cars, and dads can fix dinners. Parenting should be a team sport where the focus is on sharing all the chores and joys instead of who does what. Sharing responsibilities based on strengths and preferences, rather than outdated gender roles, can make all parts of family life a lot more enjoyable.

Mental Health Myths

Editorial credit: Nattakorn_Maneerat / Shutterstock.

The idea that people with mental health issues are unstable is just wrong. We all have our ups and downs, so we should show them support and understanding instead. Stigmatizing these illnesses doesn’t help anyone, but breaking down these myths helps everyone. This way, we all feel a little better about getting help, and it also creates a more supportive community.

Flat Earth Theory

Editorial credit: Amanda Carden / Shutterstock.

We’ve known it’s round for centuries, yet some still believe that the Earth is flat. There’s absolutely no evidence of this and plenty of evidence that the Earth is round, so let’s keep our beliefs grounded in reality. If we support scientifically proven facts, then we’ll have a better understanding of the world and can make more informed decisions.

Homeownership Equals Success

Editorial credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.

A home is a place, not a trophy, and you can measure success in many different ways. For some people, that means renting a cool apartment, but for others, it means crushing it at your job. Either way, let’s define our own success stories. Success is personal, and realizing this allows each of us to do the things that truly make us feel fulfilled. 

Astrology Runs Your Life

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Horoscopes are fun, but you shouldn’t let them steer your life decisions. You’re much better off making your choices based on using your head and heart instead of what’s written in the stars. After all, your personal judgment and advice from trusted sources will give you much more reliable information. 

Fear of Differences

Editorial credit: Mangostar / Shutterstock.

Diversity is what makes life interesting, and the fear of people who look or think differently keeps us from making new friends and learning new things. Let’s open our doors and our minds by celebrating diversity. It makes everybody’s experiences better and improves our understanding of the world.

Hard Work Guarantees Success

Editorial credit: Moon Safari / Shutterstock.

While hard work helps, it’s not the only ingredient for success, as luck and timing play a part too. And let’s not forget the power of knowing the right people, too. Of course, giving everyone credit for their hustle is important, but we also need to recognize it’s not always enough to make you successful.

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Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Andriy Solovyov/ Shutterstock.

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